Introduction to flyfishing and casting

I’m going to be introducing my grandson to fly fishing this month. For now it can only be the equipment and casting part. I’ll also show him FAOL and Castwell’s archives on casting but I’m thinking a DVD may hold his interest.

It’s been a long time since I checked out the casting video’s or DVD’s so does anyone have a recommendation…for a youngster?

JC is this statement still current from 1997 or has a better one been made?

“The sound and the editing are topnotch. Quality is excellent. Subject is covered completely. It is a fine tribute to fly casting, to Lee Wulff, to the sport in general, and to the reigning queen of fly casting, Joan herself. A big “thank you” from your old friends, J Castwell and the Ladyfisher. Some day someone will make a better one, no doubt, but it will not be in the near future! Congratulations. ~ JC”


I have it and find it quite easy to follow. I liked it better than leftys video probably because I hated the background music in leftys. I turned the sound off and believe it or not learned a bit from that. You have to watch the movements a little closer.

I got Joans book that goes with the video and it helps also.

I even tried to buy a flyo but hit a brick wall trying to find where they are sold. Last year they sold them on the wulff site but this year you have to get them from a retailer and I can’t find one.

Mel Kreiger was the only beginner’s video I used to recommend in my classes… hadn’t watched Joan’s though. I found many “beginner’s” videos taking too much for granted in the learning curve.

Joan’s is the 2nd best way to go.
The 1st is lessons from J.C and L.F!
In my Opinion!
Bill :smiley:

Gnu, I had the same trouble last year finding a Fly-O. I finally did find them at Madd River Outfitters The first one I received had been broken in shipment so I called them and they immediately sent another one out. Top notch service, I didn’t even have to send the broken one back.


Forget videos or books. For a beginner who has never touched a rod before the BEST way to go is a lesson before they even touch the rod. Learn how to practice & how to cast from hands on experience from a good TEACHER. The books & videos will be great future follow-ups.

This might help a little. The dvd, A casting approach to flyfishing to catch fish, Not just to cast by Joe Humphreys has a short but helpful section on teaching children fly casting. My grandson watched it and really got the concept of a good stopping point on his front and back cast. Later.