Interesting article by Al and Gretchen Beatty in Fly Tyer

In the current issue of Fly Tyer magazine, Al and Gretchen have an interesting article on tying flies for money. Lots of things to consider and think about before diving in. After reading the article I have a greater appreciation for those that do it and have longivity with it.

Have you ever considered tying flies for money?

Professional fly tying reminds me of the old Joan Rivers joke where she hears about a friend who was in labor for 26 hours and quips that she doesn’t what to do anything even if it feels good for that long a time. :shock: That’s the way I would feel about sitting in front of a vise for more than a couple of hours at a time. I do agree, it was an interesting article. 8T :smiley:

Wouldn’t even consider it, even if I were faintly good enough!

And yes, that article was very well done. Al and Gretchen brought up many valid points and a lot of info was shared, getting down to the reality of it all.

I have only known one other full time, prof. tyer and that was RonMT from this board. (Ron, if you’re reading…I hope you’re alright. It’s been awhile.) And when Ron talked it sounded much the same as when Al spoke.

It’s not too “frilly” is it!

It’s such a tough way to maintain a living that those who do do it have my utmost respect! And I do mean “utmost”! I could never do it.
