When the pukeko fly thread came up I thought those flies were really cool!
I don’t have pukeko feathers,So I substituted the wing with a parrot feather!
The wing
Hope you like it!
Thanx for posting those pukeko flies Jeff!
AWWWW!!! That’s CUTE!!! Two Tone feather compliments of your parrot!!!
Yeah - just imagine the looks you’ll get when you go into your favorite fly shop and ask for “Parrot Wing”!
Parrot feathers are wonderful additions to the fly materials box!! The biots make beautiful flies. Check with your local pet store for loose feathers, and your vet for trimmed flight feathers.
That’s a really neat fly, flyandtie!
Hi flyandtie,
That’s a great fly! The wing is just the right shape and it looks like it’s sitting nice and flat. Am I correct in thinking the top photo has the fly tilted a wee bit and is sort of a bottom up view? The top down shot looks very flat. I like the gold tag as well, nice addition. A tail is typical, but not required, on these patterns. Sometimes the tail is just a small tuft of yarn, but the most common material is squirrel tail about the length of the hook shank. The wing should extend just passed the bend, which it looks like you’ve got already, so the tail then sticks out passed the wing a little. A collar hackle or a beard is not uncommong either, but again, not required.
I think this parrot-pukeko should be a good producer. Definately a bright day fly I would think. I really like the two tone wing. Good job on that one.
- Jeff
Yes jeff, The first photo is a bottom um view, Nice observation.
Thanks you for the kind comments.
And suggestions.