Insect Collection

I would like to get some local specimens…mostly of aquatic insects. How do you go about keeping them for an extended period of time? Can you just leave them in water in a vial? How about after the hatch. I know they just pin down butterfly’s…same deal? I would like to take some of these guys home to help with my tying.

This may help:

micro organisms can thrive in water and can decompose your insects. I would store them in alcohol or something like that to keep them for extended periods. pinned insects are normally left untreated.

add mothballs or something of the like to your insect collection. Any pinned specimens wil be fine as they are in a case with a mothball, and will last for years. Our provincial insect collection has pined specimens over 100 years old. Insect exoskeletons are an amazing thing.

An soft bodied, or aquatic specimens should be stored in a preservative, such as ethanol, however, you will see the colours changing and some very vibrant coloured specimens will be much darker.

I am part of a state sponsored aquatic invertebrate survey here in MN. We use the rubbing alcohol from the local drug store to preserve the inverts. The 90% alcohol, works better than the 70% (which is easier to find). They will lose their color fairly rapidly. The link in hazmat’s post has some interesting solutions to try for that. You should check local laws before collecting aquatic insects. I know that in the state of New York, a permit is required. Good luck

Just bought 90% at Wal-Mart yesterday in the Pharmacy department. They also had the 70% on the same shelf. Both available in pint & quart sizes.


When my three sons were young, we had a small 8 gallon aquarium. Used the water from the pond, put the water insects in it and the boys would watch them for hours. I believe to this day it encouraged a better understanding of what and how to fish with flies and imitations than any book could have provided. Better have a tight screen over the top or your house may experience a hatch someday…the water boatmen were the boys favorites, along with crawdads.

Fascinating and informative site, hazmat, and one I never would have stumbled over on my own. Thank you.