Holie post-holes Mike Conor!!
I Thank you!
University of Alberta Entomology Collection
This site has some good pictures, but is lacking when it comes to mayflies.
Dale Parkers Aquatic Invert Guide for Saskatchewan
A great guide. I’d like to see something similar on this site someday.
Aquatic Invertebrates of Alberta
The Bible of Aquatic Bugs in Alberta… formerly out of print, you can now browse the whole text book on line!! The book may be a bit technical for the average flyfisher.
River Watch- How to monitor aquatic inverts
A good and basic guide with a quiz… targeting kids, but great for budding entomologists.
Canada’s Freshwater Invertebrates
A university of Guelph site, with basic info on inverts… few pictures or keys.
Mayfly Central
This is the authority on Mayfly distribution in the Americas. Really just a list of where certain mayflies occur.
Dan Johnson’s Grasshopper guide
from the University of Lethbridge.
Great info about grasshoppers…
He also has a great page on some Alberta Spiders
Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet Resources
A good compilation of info.
Caddisflies by Gary LaFontaine
Excellent, excellent book. Worth owning!!
Mayflies by Malcolm Knopp and Robert Cormier
A great book with LOTS of Alberta content.
Nymphs Volume 1: the Mayflies
Nymphs, Volume 2 : Stoneflies Caddisflies, and other Important Insects
by Ernest G. Schwiebert
I love the blackfoot challenge
[i]To each of you fine gentlemen my sincere thanks for researching and then posting these inks…
I have added your links to a reference library in the making for our Yosemite camp project.
I can’t thank you enough…
Steve Molcsan
[COLOR=“Wheat”]------------[FONT=“Book Antiqua”][u][SIZE=“4”]2nd Annual Snow[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][i] [SIZE=“4”][COLOR=“Red”]Camp Planned for February 2009 [/u]-[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
---------------------[[b]< Fun times from our 1st Opening Snow Camp in 2008 <[/b]
------------------[COLOR=“DarkRed”]❦[COLOR=“Wheat”]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][SIZE=“5”]Happy Hearts from Our Camp to Yours-❦[/SIZE]
[b][SIZE=“2”]Thank [SIZE=“2”]You[/SIZE] for looking, allowing us to share our thoughts in action as the camp forges ahead. [/b][/SIZE]
— View Our Camp Mission here ☞
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Just a thought, a couple top notch FAOL members collaborate to share writing articles with reference to stream ecology… of course giving proper credit
as due,
I would venture to guess that well articulated articles would be very useful
for members and our guests,
Just a thought,
ps: I would love to hear about the blackfoot challenge…pharper…
Pause by the Blackfoot River where fish idle in deep holes and bald eagles perch in ponderosa pines.
What I have read of the Blackfoot challenge sounds like my kind of place…
You should receive an Honorary Doctorate for all this research. I nominate you distiquished professor of Entomology, Fly Tying, Fly Fishing, & all its’ history. I’ll leave it to Castwell to conferr the Doctorate since he and his better half are the Deans of this University lol !!!