Brother-in-law booked a timeshare place in Yarmouth, Massachusettes in October and said there was supposed to be a river of some sort either nearby or right by the place he booked. Anyone have any knowledge of fishing availability in that area. Not really interested in trying the surf as am not equipped for it anyway. Thanks for any suggestions.
You might mean the Bass River.
This is a tidal river. If you’re looking for trout fishing,the cape has many kettle ponds that hold trout and/or LMB
There may be sea run trout in the Bass River, but if you have any rod 6 wt or larger I would not hesitate to fish there and look for Stripers. Most of what you’ll find are schoolies, 24" or smaller and a 6 would work. Clousers or Ray’s flies are good bets. Lots of small bait fish and sand eels around. Don’t be afraid. Use a 10lb leader and if you hook on to anything too large it will just break you off. I’d certainly give it a try.