I'm losing my local fly shop

:cry: The local shop “Lakestream Flies and Supplies” Penticton B.C. is closing its doors Sept 29th. I visited the shop to get some #8 hooks to tie some bugs for the up-coming Idaho fish-in when I got the bad news. Chris the owner operator had his rent increased so much that it made it impossible to carry on. Every thing was 40% off, with flies 50% off. I bought a new sage 5 weight at 40% off. I felt bad sort of like a vulture picking over the bones, but Chris said don’t worry about it. It would help him because he doesn’t want to get stuck with all that inventory. Made me feel a tiny bit better. Now I will have to motor 50 miles up the lake to get tying supplies and the like. The biggest loss is Chris himself . The guy is a fount of knowlege and a super helpful friendly never lead you astray to make a sale kind of guy. He is an awesome tier who will answer a call late at night for a dozen flies which will be waiting for you when the shop opens in the morning. They are a rare breed and we just lost another one of them.

We lost a great shop about 1 1/2 years ago. I used to drive over 50 miles 1 way to shop there. We remain good friends to this day, but what a loss that shop is. It’s too bad that far too often those businesses are never TRULY appreciated until they are gone. Sorry for your loss.

closed my shop about a year ago. been in busness 45 years, lots of guys still miss it, i too miss the BS with the nite coffee and all the guys in back of store. cabela was just to close, beat all there prices, but didn t matter. flyman 3

agreed gnu…Chris is a stand up fella with a real wealth of knowledge…sad to see him close down…but this will mean we will chance upon him on the water more often…I was in the shop today…slim pickin’s…but did get a couple doz flies and a floatin’ line for my 5wt…cya on the lake…;))

mojo 1.5 hrs to the flyshop now :shock:

Agreed, I have spent many a lunch hour in there over the last couple of years. Chris is going to be a tough act to follow if anybody decides to open up a new shop.

Gnu, I think I was in there when you bought your XP, if it was the 9’er.

Chris, best wishes for the future, whatever it may hold, and I’m glad you were able to go out on your own terms. It takes guts and smarts to know when it’s time.

Jon A

I met Chris (Cousins?) a few years ago when the kids and I were in the area on holidays from our hometown, Red Deer, Alberta. It was our first season flyfishing and we stopped by his shop. He was just and incredibly friendly character, lots of information he very willingly shared with us. To this day my son and I still talk about Chris from the flyshop in Penticton.
When you see him, please tell him what a great impression he made on us, and give him our best wishes. Its a shame his shop will no longer be around.
I guess Chris will now have some more time to spend chasing rainbows.
BTW, I searched for a website for his shop, but found nothing. I had hoped to find a Sage 590XP 4 piece (they are pretty scarce).

Judy Garland made a lot of money ‘chasing rainbows.’

Ziegfield Girl - 1941. Worth watching just to see Hedy and Lana…



Abot a year ago we got the bad news that we were also loosing our local fly shop after 29 years. It was a real nice shop too… Gloom and dispair followed, along with much speculation. Lo and behold…The local Bass tournament tackle shop decided to clean out a small corner of their shop and bring the fellow who ran the other fly shop over and open their own fly shop. What a relief… Maybe you will have the same good fortune and your shop will find another home.