went again today for steelhead before tomorrows rain just incase it messes the river up. talked to a guy who caught 2 steelies on a black bugger. no steel for me tho. I caught 4 sucker fish. 1 was foul hooked in the fin with a sucker spawn. 2 took a small black “burkes” nymph and the other took a pink crystal meth. who knew suckers were addicted to meth? haha. I used a black nymph cause I actually could see stoneflies landing on the water to lay there eggs. if was pretty cool. the suckers put up a decent fight. I spooked 2 steel on a redd that I did not see. no others were in the riffles tho. just fished the deep holes and got suckers here is a few pix
Quote: “1 was foul hooked in the fin with a sucker spawn.” LOL
That is the nicest Sucker I have ever seen! Awesome!
I think you shoud be proclaimed “Sucka-Meister”.
haha ya man out here you can catch lots of these muthasuckas!!! lmao! jk.
you can catch lots of um up in the spring. they come up the rivers to spawn. they fight pretty hard. not like a steelhead tho. they don’t jump out of the water and go on lighting fast runs like the steel but rather use there strength to try to hug the bottom instead. all in all pretty fun to catch.
just tied up a few original pearl crystal meth sucker spawns since I got my pearl braid in. heres some pix. the steelies love these things! also got chartruse braid coming in. have caught fish on the pink and orange also. guess its suppose to look like the eggs of a sucker fish even tho I don’t see how cause they are sparkly neon colors? also make the original regular angora yarn ones.
size 10 scud hook
red thread
pearl diamond braid
pearl krystal flash