Why did the fox cross the road? He didn’t…at least not all the way. I happened along later and since I always carry my leatherman with me, he is now tail-less. Didn’t think he would miss it. I have since skinned the tail, dumped it in some borax, and am now looking for ideas. Streamers are a given, as the fibers are a nice length.
Anyone else ever used the stuff? Send me ideas. This fox was in it’s brown phase. Nice black barring on most of the fibers, with a reddish orange on the hairs on the underside of the tail.
you and I are thinkin along the same lines. I can’t wait to wear it with my bikini top and Daisy Duke Shorts (I am male and 300lbs.) Watch for me on People of WalMart.
I use a lot of fox and coyote tail-fur for rope-dubbed flies. It makes great abdomens and automatically tapers and segments. It also makes great buggers if you tie in a tail clump and then wrap up a picked-out roped body. The picked-out guard-hairs make the hackles, and it flows very nicely. I’m trying to find someone who can dye pieces different colors for me, like olive and Dk. Brown.
And like you said, it makes great streamers. I have also used it for saltwater flats flies, like crabs and fuzzy-charlies.