Hello everyone, as you all know I am a beginner fly tyer and fisher. I have finally got all the basic skills down pat with lots of practice over the last six months or so and now I am ready to start tying flies for my fishing season.
As a beginner fisherman I don’t have any go to flies yet. I was wondering what people would recommend I tie to fill my box with everything I need for the upcoming season. I fish the catskills and eastern ny/connecticut.
You may want to do a Google search for hatch charts for specific streams you’re going to fish. I’m a relatively new fly-tier myself and this is how I went about working on my box for next season. Good luck!
Since FF on this side of the pond started right where you are fishing there are about 10,000 books that cover the Catskill/NE hatches.
What fly you choose to represent the bugs is up to you but you can expect all of the “famous flies” with their “famous names”:
Little Black Stonefly
Blue Winged Olive
Quill Gordon
Red Quill
Blue Quill
Ginger Quill
March Brown
Grey Fox
Light Cahill
Green Drake
Slate Drake
Green Caddis
…and a host of others too numerous to mention.
Have fun trying to match the hatch!
Hi Raw…for mayfly drys, you might consider a “generic” approach. Instead of getting the material for and trying to tie all the “name flies”, just tie a few different styles in the colors appropriate. To simplify it even more, you could probably get away with just parachutes to start with in olive, cream or yellow, grey, and mahogany/brown. Check the hatch charts to see what sizes you would need in those colors and for any “special” flies these might not cover (coffin flies come to mind). Match those with a loopwing emerger and you will have alot of bases covered.
Caddis are a whole nother ballgame!
have fun!..Jason