Just a quick reminder to those that have been planning on attending another year of fine fishing at the Idaho Fish-In for '07, time is running out. You should be getting your reservations made for the Three Rivers Resort, getting flies tied and organized (yeah, right), and making your rod, reel and line selections.
If you haven’t been to the Idaho Fish-In in past years, you don’t know what your missing. Crystal clear waters on the Selway and Lochsa Rivers, beautiful scenery and some fiesty cutthroat trout eager to take a fly. If there is any way possible to get there, this would be a great year.
Check the info in the Fish-In section and get your name on the “I’m Going” list.
As soon as we decide what car we’re taking I’ll be getting the outfits ready (40mpg Hondo Civic or 22mpg Toyota). If its the Civic I’ll be taking 3-4 pc rods.
I’ve not been to the Idaho fish in for a few years. I’m looking forward to it. As you mentioned…its one of the prettiest places on earth.
Linda and I will be there. I’m bringing all my rods. She’s only bringing a couple of sewing machines. Fly tying in camp when I have time and quilting in camp when she has time. We’ll both have lots of time. What a beautiful place to take it easy. REE & VEE, we both look forward to seeing you both again.
Heaven is in northern Idaho the last week of September.
Looking like the biggest ever. I look forward to meeting several new friends and renewing old ones. Don’t forget to bring stuff to swap, sell or just plain get rid of. We will have the ‘Swap table’ set up all week. Remember name tags for your things too! We need a piece of ‘foam-board’ about two by four feet for the ‘sign-in’ board. (felt marker too) Volunteer, then let Denny or Ron know.
I already have the sign in board handled.
Know of several folks that have told me they are going but have not notified LF to add them to the list.
It is important for me to know about how many are going. Please.
Big cook out will be on Friday night. BYOM (bring your own meat) Pot luck on everything else. Sodas will be furnished.
Z will be in charge of the barbeque. :lol:
VEE has some interesting Fly Fishing stuff for the Ladies
We will have Superman present, not sure of time, to be figured out early in the week
Accuracy casting contest (FREE) sort of like last year. I have not yet picked out the prize. (REE & I have casting flies tied)
Distance casting contest will have some limits on equipment. No shooting heads, no spey rods, nothing over 6 wt. Am thinking of using one rod for all?? (not belonging to a contestant)
LF & JC will be giving FREE casting instruction and there are several other qualified casters that will help you out if you want and need help. You know LF & JC are two of the best instructors ever. This is a real opportunity to get help and most of us do.
Les & Z will have info on where to fish these 3 great rivers. ( for those of you that have never fished this place before)
Must be something else I am forgetting but then I do not like to have too much structured.
Come and enjoy one of the most beautiful places in the World for Blue Water fly fishing.
See you all there.
Superman would like it if Denny killed and skinned a hackle bird at the FI. He did that once and we all learned so much. Superman asks, please. As you all know, this is not a commercial event, however when I feel a vendor has a product that will be a benefit to all, then I not only allow it, I encourage it. Such is the case with Conranch Hackle. I ask him to make available his full line and also educate us on the stuff. Oh, I also feel he is the top ‘chicken guy’ in the world, period.
The last time I processed a bird I swore I would never do it again at a gathering.
But with Superman asking I need to re-think things.
Most enjoyed it the couple times I have done a processing but it is not for everyone to watch. ( there is no blood)
I will take a look out in the barn and see if I might have one that would be ready for the ID FI.
If I remember correctly I mounted it on a drying cardboard like we do here at the Ranch, then sold it at a very fair price.
I make no promises at this time but think it may be workable if enough want me to do so.
I will be bringing some capes & saddles for all to paw through and ask questions, possibly sell a few if you find one you can not live without. Maybe one of the “New color” we have developed?
Thanks for your kind words JC.
Will there be any Steelheading expeditions during the fish in?
Should I pack a 7 - 8 wt?
The first one I went to a bunch of us headed down river with Fishin Injun leading the charge. No one mentioned it at the next one.
I’m bringing a couple of long rods (over 12 feet) for folks to try out, one in six weight, one in 9 weight. Fishing for metalheads, you betcha buddy! I’m sure VEE will beat me to the car, spey rod in hand. A single hand 7 or 8 weight should be plenty of rod.
I’ll check in with Mike at the Red Shed Fly Shop in Peck about fishing conditions and numbers on the way over.
It’s not getting here soon enough for me. The ID Fish-In is probably the highlite of my fishing year for me…well maybe after a certain planned 4 day weekend in the the Beartooths . I’ve been thinking about it a whole lot lately and realize that there is just a wee bit of tying that needs to be done :lol:
Dianna has her new z axcis and is on her 3rd or 4th revision of her “to take” list.
I think she might be a little more excited this year, becouse of all of the great help and encoragment from
everybody there,and she found that she likes to catch fish.
Just checked the Red Shed web site , http://www.redshedflyshop.com , and found out that Mike is holding his spey clave on the 29th of September this year. If you have ever thought about trying spey casting, tying spey flies, or anything to do with 2 handed rods and steelheading this might be an event for you. It’s all free. Check Mike’s web site for more info.
I was considering investing in a small game license and killing and skinning some grouse at the fish-in… burp but at 80-odd dollars it is a wee bit much for me.
As for steelhead, I will bring along a 9’6" 8wt (really a 9) if someone wants to borrow it to fish with and/or try out. TFO Lefty model, 4 pc. Would be willing to sell it if someone likes it and needs one.
"I was considering investing in a small game license and killing and skinning some grouse at the fish-in… burp but at 80-odd dollars it is a wee bit much for me. "
It is so dry it wouldnt suprise me if the woods are closed during the fishin.
The “experts” are saying this is a 200 year drought, we are down 4 inches of rain this year thats a third of our normal yearly total and its only aug.
If we dont get rain we will all be sitting around a light bulb watching the bugs at night, this area is so dry we are on no fire, no charcoal no nothing, type camping.
Pray for rain for northern Idaho (and i’m sure the rest of the west would appreciate prayers for rain also)
Yep I hear you there. It’s the same over here, but at least I can still get out and hike. Last weekend I had to go over to Beartooth Pass to escape the smoke. For whatever reason Shoshone National Forest has lifted all their restrictions but the rest of the area around here is at Stage 2 (except the Beartooth-Absoroka Wilderness which is still Stage 1 since it is Wilderness Area and most activities that are in Stage 2 are banned anyways in there) . As for not having a fire…after this summer, I am pretty much used to it :(. Lets hope that over the next month the West gets a bit of moisture.
At least I have still found some great fishing; 120+ fish last weekend helped me get over the restrictions
Ok… I am getting ready for the fish-in, now I am just trying to convince my spouse for us and the fam to go, she is not quite convinced that a bunch of fly fishers are good company. :shock:
I have tied up plenty of shwapf’s using orange dubbing mixed with copper lightbright, these will be good this September on the S.F. Boise and I think up there as well.
I am thinking I can convince her to camp along the SF Clearwater and drive into the fish in if she won’t go to the fish-in itself. I haven’t caught a south fork steelhead in two years, I am looking forward to it is a well.
I will bring my dads western auto fly rod and the reel I fixed with parts from a ball point pen for fun if I get to go.