Just checked the USGS site for flows on the Selway and Lochsa Rivers and Weather.com for the ten day forecast for Kamiah, which is about 30 miles downstream of Lowell.
The flows are right at long term averages for the Selway this morning, and a bit higher than long term averages on the Lochsa. Both have been steadily dropping since the VERY high flows for most of the summer. Both should be in prime shape for the Fish In.
Follow this link for streamflows - http://waterdata.usgs.gov/id/nwis/uv/?site_no=13336500&PARAmeter_cd=00065,00060
There may be a weather station closer to Lowell than Kamiah, but at only 30 miles away, Kamiah is close enough. Starting Saturday, at Lowell, the highs will likely be in the low 70’s and the lows will likely be in the high 40’s with clear skies and practically no chance of rain at least through Wednesday.
Follow this link for ten day weather forecast at Kamiah - http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/outdoors/tenday/USID0128?from=36hr_fcst10DayLink_outdoors
Don’t have a forecast for the fishing / catching, but look forward to reporting some good times late next week.