Idaho Fish-In Fire Restrictions

They are starting to lift some of the fire restrictions in North Idaho.

Effective Friday, September 7, 2007, Stage I fire restrictions will be rescinded on:
Private and State lands in Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, Shoshone, Latah, and Clearwater Counties;

Lowell is in Idaho County and not included in this list. But they are right next to Clearwater County. So I emailed Three Rivers Resort at their info link and asked if they have heard anything about lifting the fire restriction for campfires and cooking with charcoal in their area. I’ll do a follow-up post if I hear anything.

According to the GeoMac website, the 288 acre 0-7 fire from last week between Kooskia and Lowell is now out. Nice to hear things are calming down up there. See you in 2 weeks! DANBOB

Most fire restrictions do not apply in developed campgrounds such as 3 Rivers. If you call the FS office up the river there they may be able to shed some light on it, even tho it is not FS land. Plus, we stil have two weeks to go…

See you there.
