Ice on Guides

Won’t be long now till we start seeing guides icing up. ( the fly rod guides, not the people, tho they do ice up :lol: )

Anybody want to share some ice prevention advice besides staying indoors? I have used PAM spray in the past, not too bad.

Loon makes a product called Stanley’s Ice-Off that seems to work pretty well to keep ice off the guides. You have to reapply it occasionally as the day wears on, but it sure beats stopping every other cast or so to chip ice. Hadn’t tried Pam, might have to give it a shot.

Put me in this catagory. I don’t enjoy fishing when there’s added work. I fish to relax. If I want to work, I have plenty of that to keep me busy. :lol: :lol:

Sorry to post what you didn’t want posted. When the guides are icing I sit in Mickey D’s drinking my senior coffee.


Hi there, I never put any product on my guides to prevent ice, I just dip the rod in the water every 4 or 5 casts and this gets rid of the ice. The water is warmer than the air when it is cold.
All the best.

I too use the “submerge the iced up guides in the water” method but you can also use Chapstick to coat the guides.

Ice in the guides for four hours Wed morning. The fish didn’t seem to mind, and I managed to remember to keep them cleared enough to fish.

The places I fished back in August are just about ready for ice skates.

I use line dressing on the guides. Works OK, but not great.


The only problem with submerging is some days the wind chill factor will just make them ice up even more.
I use the Ice Off paste also, works pretty well.

Can someone tell me whats the Ice Off pastes made of? Since I fish Bamboo I have to make sure that there is no silicone in the products I use. Does Chap stick really work?


Nothing works!

:lol: :lol: :lol: My laugh for the night…wish I knew what time it is :?: :?: :?:

Ok, OK, OK!!! So the BB is an hour off due to daylight savings time changing. Deal with it. In a few months it will be back on time, unless I find the time to reset it.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why? I’ve fished bamboo forever and I’ve never had any issues with using silicone as a line dressing. Is there something I should know?

This is what I do…

I first clean my fly line…
next I rub it down with Vaseline and let it set for a day… then I rub it off and reload the reel (I do this once a month till march 1) this helps shed water before it even gets to the eyes…

and ofcouse I carry a tube of chap stick…

Yes… Chap stick really works…
I have used chap stick in the winter for almost 6years night fishing…

The reason I do this is I cant find the “Ice Off” around here…
If I could talk someone out of a tube (buy or trade… I’ll pay postage)… I can compare it to chap stick…

Also vaseline if you rub it on your hand in the winter… it keep the water off with a quick shake… and you hands dont get as cold… but it takes a little time to get use to… it makes for a slick rod handle…

Silicon is fine, I guess, for some things. Some say it can be hard on the finish of a cane rod, and worse on a silk line. I don’t use it on my cane or silk, the red can is fine on the line and Butchers wax in my sticks.

My Bamboo has the finish on it so that silicone or even putting the rod away with a little water on it won’t hurt it, BUT! at the price for the rod…I still won’t do it. In fact it is my fair weather rod.
Like I said once before, my brother went fishing when it was a bit nipply, little ice in the guides, went to cast and SNAP! the tip of his Elkhorn went flying.
It has been mentioned on several post about less expensive rods working well (I still can’t bring myself to say as GOOD as a $600.+ :lol: rod) and to me this the time of year to use them 8)

and like I said earlier, I am sure it was replaced as it was obviously defective.

Well, I am possitive it would have been if the dumb SOB knew where he put it! :smiley:
It kills him ever day cause he absolutely LOVES the action of that rod. He even joined this forum to win the rod givaway :lol:

I guess using a little Poo Goo on my PVC lines isn’t an issue 'cause none of my cane rods have any issues with the finish and some of them have been fished regularly for over 20 years. I also wax the rods so maybe that helps too.

I don’t worry about silk lines since I don’t own any but I swear that using Poo Goo on my regular flylines has reduced the amount of ice build up I get.

In MT, I run into this a lot. I have used Stanley’s Ice Off and Chap Stick both. They both work to a certain extent but I believe you are fighting a losing battle. The ice WILL WIN. I didn’t feel that one worked better than the other. The only difference was Ice Off was $8.00…and chap stick was $.96.

I worried that submerging the graphite rods, then exposing them to cold air might make the rod more brittle. I know my fingers feel that way…lol.