i wonder why...

Many people have heard about the beautiful fish, the bull trout and you may know that it is indangered, but do you know why? I’ll tell you,

Late january, i was at my favorite spot, i go to take off my leaky hippers(i have got orvis pro guide waders now, so i shouldn’t be complaining)and i come back and a family was in my spot, and they knew that is was coming back, the father was like a bodybuilder, and i am only an eigth grader, so id didn’t feel like picking a fight, so i went elsewhere. they were using huge rapallas, and they were fishing for the big ones. after the first 5 minuites, they had a monster on, after about 30 minuites it was in, it was about a 15 pound bull trout. i was about to congradulate the kid when the father picked up the fish by gills and plopped it on land for about 5 min. after picture time they KICKED it back into the water and gave it a shove and it hit a large rock. (i was thinking “that fish will have a very quick death” and it did) i found the fish rotting about a week later 1/4 mile downstream, it’s head was smashed in.

happy poaching,


JZ, Thank you for reporting that. I am not proud to say that not everyone who fishes is a ‘good guy.’ You will see other things that are wrong too, but I am glad you saw it. I am glad you knew the difference. I am sure it made you very angry. I am also positive you will use this anger for good. That you will continue to do the right thing with fish and will continue to let others know the right ways. Keep doing the right things even though some others do not. You are the one who will teach others. It is you who is in charge of the future of fly fishing. Please do a good job. A lot of kids are counting on you and your friends. You’re all there is.

I think that incident is even worse than poaching because they didn’t even keep the fish, they just killed it. Never, ever forget the sick feeling you had when you saw them do that and when you saw the fish a week later. The future is the hands of young people like you and I, for one, feel better about it knowing that actions like that repulsed you. Thank you. Keep up the good work.

JZ, your sense of ethics and the respect you show to the resource will help create an example and educate others. This will help offset the actions of that knucklehead, and others you’ll probably run into now and again in life, on stream and off. Just as his actions had a negative effect on you, your actions can be a force for good in others. And I bet you’ll spend a lot more time fishing than he does… and you’ll catch more fish than him too I reckon.

You should also thank your folks for raising a man that knows the difference between right and wrong. It sounds like you’ve got a real good head on your shoulders, and no doubt you’ll pass along your ethics and respect to your kids one day too, in addition to the folks you meet on the stream.

Try not to get discouraged, a guy like that might catch the big fish today, but he’ll still be an idiot tomorrow.


Your going to see plenty of stupid behavior in your lifetime. Your a Leader, your not going to follow someone down the wrong road in life. Never lose your integrity or self respect.
Your lucky to have parents that taught you to appreciate what you have.
I hope you have great fishing this year!
Doug :smiley:

JZ, you here? You reading this stuff?

My thoughts are the same as those above. You young people are the future of our sport, & it is VERY comforting to read this post & see the fine attitude & ethic you bring to the sport.

:smiley: just got back from a big trip i floated the kootnai for about 4 days(we went reaaaaaaaaly slow) some nice bows lots of whities. and a freind of outs gave me a really cool hat:orvis endorsed guide" even though i work for the guiding people,i cant guide yet, i guess you have to be 18 or something. so i guess overall i am having a pretty good month. Best thing is i am going to that trout bum vidio thing(we have to go 2 hours away to get to it.) since i live in the boonies it is hard to get anywhere with a lot of stuff. closest place with a pop of over 100k people is probobally seattle, 9 hours away, lol

Happy fishing


Keep up the good work, JZ. It puts the minds of us older fisher folk at ease knowing that there are responsible men and women like you coming up to take care of the heritage of our sport.

What you witnessed was a horrible thing. You did the right thing by not picking a fight with this person. Never compromise your own safety.