I won a Bahama's Cruise from Royal Caribbean but(not ff)...

…I had to turn the cruise down due to the fact that I suffer from severe attacks of vertigo. Take away my visual ques while I am moving and look out because I will topple over. Makes me extremely ill and I will spew like a can of thoroughly shaken beer.

Amy and I attended the Trans Siberian Orchestra show at Hershey on the 2nd and she registered me for a chance to win the cruise or 10,000 gallons of gasoline. I could still win the gasoline but what the heck, I asked them to pick someone else to win the cruise and they said they would.

By the way, Trans Siberian Orchestra is outstanding!

nighthawk, wait ah, cruise? lol
Sir I do hope you win the gasoline.

Eric, my wife bought me a TSO CD for my birthday yesterday, they are unbelievable aren’t they?

If only you had said, I would have gone on that cruise for you, no worries.

If only we could take you and your wife to a TSO concert with us.:frowning: Well this will just have to do for now. Here are some videos of the show went to see:

Beethoven’s 5th:

More TSO in Hershey:

TSO playing O Fortuna in Hershey:

TSO partial finale in Hershey:

We were sitting just to the left of the stage about 8 rows up from the floor. We loved it. Actually helped me get a little relief from the Tinnitus that I suffer from. Of course I did wear a plug in the affected ear.:smiley:

Just totally and absolutely fabulous, and to think that I first heard of them on FAOL - how cool is that? Thanks Eric.

You have a PM.

Ah Nighthawk
My sister gave me two tickets to TSO in Hershey for my birthday! Unbelievably fantastic concert. Will be going every year from here till death do we part. Will never pass up TSO. I too, was to the left of the stage at about row 8 BUT ours were at the extreme end smack up against the stage.

You were right in front of us! Turns out we were in section 118, row “R”, seat 5 & 6. O.K. so I can’t count but that could be why my fish are always smaller than I guestimated.:smiley: Hey if you guys want to we can get together for next year’s show. Could all sit together.

Nighthawk boy do I feel for ya. I suffer from vertigo as well. Can’t ride a bus, plane, anything. Get attacks out of nowhere and it puts me down right now. Been taking some meds for it don’t help much but they do help a little.

Nighthawk… that sounds like a plan ! When it gets closer we’ll work at the details…maybe a little dining/refreshment before the show?