This website is just simply awesome. I am brand new to the sport but fly fishing is something I have always wanted to do. I would probably already given up, if not for this site. It has been extremely helpful and informative. I was pretty sure that casting and tying all of those knots really required black voodoo magic but now I can even tie a few of the knots. Although the casting still looks like magic to me and I am not talking about my casting either. I just wanted to tell someone how much I appreciate this site.
So, Attaboy, to all of you, administrators, members and the sponsors, thanks.
Dear Hungntree, thank you so much. Remember too, that if it was not for guys exactly like you, there would be little excuse for this site. You are the future of fly fishing, we are just trying to give you the tools you will need to do it right,
As a bell can not be un-rung, the learned stewardship and collegiality of this recreation can not be discarded. This will mold your life; welcome home.
Hi HungNtree: Glad to have you with us. Fly tying and fishing is an evolving process–like a journey. Just about every time I get on this site I learn something and I’ve been doing this for about 22 years. These people are very generous with their time and expertise. It’s like a big family.
Fly fishing is like any dicipline you undertake. The more you put into it, the more you can take from it. You don’t start out being a star football, basketball, tennis etc etc player. It takes time to be a good skiier, skydiver, rock climber,…well, you get the idea. The thing that’s really enjoyable for me about flyfishing, is that I can have a great time doing it, and not catch a fish. Great catching days seem to come along once in awhile, while great fishing days happen consistently. Stay with it, and keep broadening your horizons, and it will pay you back with interest. Thanks for your kind words.
Last spring WarrenP and I took a new fly fisher to one of the most beautiful spots on the Duck River, just to fish it is a thrill in it’s self. Only one at a time could fish the run so we took turns. Warren picked 2 nice trout out of the tail out about 60 feet down stream while we watched and had lunch. When it was my turn I did get one before turning the spot over to Kevin. He had a problem casting that far! Open loops catching trees, etc. Warren worked with him on his casting for about 5 minutes and he was getting in the zone and caught a nice trout.
On the way back up stream he remarked that allthough we both achived the proper presentation we did not do it in the same way! That is “Casting Style”! Learn the basics and your style will develop.
Yep, we sure got a boatload of diversity of talent in this lot. We got RN’s, LPN’s, MD’s and PhD’s, but what we got the most of is BS’ers who would rather fish with flies, tie them flies and tell some lies when they can’t tie flies or fish. Just be careful at what stage you catch them in.
Oh yeah…they tip a few every now and then, and the truth is not always in them.