Does anyone else seem to have that unquenchable itching for fishing yet?
I see good fishing ahead in 2011
Me too. I’m just waiting for sub zero temps and hard water to go away.
I do every now and then, but then I go fishing! From saturday:
It won’t be long now Michael. But winter is still not quite over, I’m fifty years older than you and remember it snowing 3 times one year after I went swimming the first time. One of the guys in MS caught a bunch of nice bluegill last weekend, but he is further south and at a lower elevation than you and I are. A little more patience my friend. Tell you what if Mom and Dad come down to the Mall of Georgia to go shopping give me a heads up and I will come meet your parents and take you fishing for some bluegill with their permission.
the ski areas around Lake Tahoe reported at least 100" of new white stuff in the last week. HEHEHeeeeheheeeeeehheeeeee!! Cold water into August!!
Going to be 4f here tonight! They are pulling through the ice at the local lake at a pretty good clip this year. Thanks for the photos folks!
An itch to go fishing??? Yeah, you could call it that. Today we have the wonderful high temperature of 5 degrees and some snow falling, tomorrow looks even better, with a high of minus 7! Actually, it’s more like a fever of 120 with convulsions, night sweats, a loss of appetite, hemmoraging around the eyes, and foaming at the mouth!
You just identified a new disease! Montana Cooped Up Viral Hemorrhagic Fever! Quick, someone call the CDC! You know the Federal Government cures everything.
… on 1-26-11:
… on 1-28-11 :
… on 2-11-11 :
… on 2-14-11 :
So much for that Montana thing.
You may call for CDC to cure it, I prefer snowshoe hare’s foot fur…
No, scratching accomplishes agrivating the problem (what the mouth-water photos have just done) only an over dose of itching cream will temporarily solve the problem. Too bad medicare won’t cover that.
I’m not sure what I’m complaining about. I’ve been having 70 degree weather. Maybe its the inability to drive anywhere.
AUGH!! :mrgreen:
No sense in going to Montana, ya done went and caught em all!! Did someone (Quivira Kid) also have a photo of a whole pile of Piranhas?
Best regards, Dave S.