I need YOUR Help.

Thanks in no small way to Steven McGarthwaite, I am getting the FOTW articles indexed and in order.

I desparately need some Quality Testing.

We have the early years done, and will be moving forward in time over the next week or so.

Some generous (with your time) folks to go to the home page, click on the FOTW link on the left and scroll to the bottom.

Please check that EACH and every link meets the following criteria…

  1. The index fly name matches the FOTW page.
  2. The author/tyer on the index page is spelled right and matches the FOTW page.
  3. The dates match up where appropriate
  4. I didn’t make any silly other mistakes.

Only check the years with Authors listed : 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

I will be adding authors to the other years and post back here when ready for the rest.

I’ll check back here for any mistakes later.
Thank you so much.


Thank you.

1997 done and fine

May 11, 18, & 25, 1998, tyer name doesn’t match
Sometimes the author (Jim/Dee) did not take the photos, and they were from a book. I’d rather credit the book’s author and potentially someone will buy their book.

June 15, 1998, Fly Name doesn’t match
1998 Done - And I miss Al and JC

Feb 15, 1999 - date is not consistent with formatting
Feb 22, 1999 - Title not consistent with formatting - Tyer name should be under fly name
May 24, 1999 - Fly name doesn’t match
June 14, 1999 - Tyer name misspelled
July 12, 1999 - No tying instructions - I know it is supposed to be this way, but maybe should say so??
Aug 22, 1999 - Tyer Name misspelled
Dec 27, 1999 - Not really a FOTW - was a contest invite and info page

1999 Done – I have seen a lot of killer neat-o flies

I’ll do some more tomorrow, if I remember and no one else beats me to it

1998 done and fine… Great Job!!! I’ll try some more tomorrow also…

2000 done - 3 errors

July 10, The fly is a Blue Mountain Dragon Nymph; the author is Dale McKain. Not a Blue Mountain Dragin by Nymph Dale McKain

May 22, incorrect author credit

Feb 28, incorrect author name.

Great resource - Thanks Ron!


I could probably write a script.

  1. use CPAN’s linkchecker to find broken links
  2. for each not broken link, parse out the link label and the page <head><title> xxxx </title></head> to see if there is a lower-case match. That should at least verify a link to right page match.
  3. ouch. Frames. That makes it harder. But still possible.

Didn’t get to it today, Ron…I will check back later

2001 Done, only one error -

Dec 31, incorrect author.

I’m going offline now but I’ll try to do 2002 this evening (unless someone beats me to it.)


2002 done,

July 20, James Birkholm credited on menu, Deanna Birkholm credit on the instruction page.

Mar 11, James Birkholm on menu, but he was using “Castwell” on the instruction page - is that being too pedantic?

I think that’s all you asked for Ron - let us know if you need more manual testing. Thanks again for the great database!



Now I KNOW that I have some author names wrong, because I did some quick and dirty comparisons of authors and I’ve got some discrepancies from the articles I am not qualified to resolve.

Please peruse and let me know how bad I screwed the rest of it up :slight_smile:

The next major chore is finding a way to expand the search options :slight_smile:
