May 11, 18, & 25, 1998, tyer name doesn’t match Sometimes the author (Jim/Dee) did not take the photos, and they were from a book. I’d rather credit the book’s author and potentially someone will buy their book.
June 15, 1998, Fly Name doesn’t match
1998 Done - And I miss Al and JC
Feb 15, 1999 - date is not consistent with formatting
Feb 22, 1999 - Title not consistent with formatting - Tyer name should be under fly name
May 24, 1999 - Fly name doesn’t match
June 14, 1999 - Tyer name misspelled
July 12, 1999 - No tying instructions - I know it is supposed to be this way, but maybe should say so??
Aug 22, 1999 - Tyer Name misspelled
Dec 27, 1999 - Not really a FOTW - was a contest invite and info page
1999 Done – I have seen a lot of killer neat-o flies
I’ll do some more tomorrow, if I remember and no one else beats me to it
for each not broken link, parse out the link label and the page <head><title> xxxx </title></head> to see if there is a lower-case match. That should at least verify a link to right page match.
ouch. Frames. That makes it harder. But still possible.
Now I KNOW that I have some author names wrong, because I did some quick and dirty comparisons of authors and I’ve got some discrepancies from the articles I am not qualified to resolve.
Please peruse and let me know how bad I screwed the rest of it up
The next major chore is finding a way to expand the search options