I’am knew to this here fly tying, and am looking for a vice. I’am looking at the anvil apex or the danvice. Would like some help in choosing which one. Dose anyone use either one? If so I would really like to know what you think. Pros or cons. Thanks in advance for any information. RJO
I just started tying about a year ago. When I started fly-fishing, friends would ask me if I was going to start tying flies too. I told them,“Probably not, I can buy whatever flies I need”. Well, then I found some store-bought flies that worked quite well…and then couldn’t find them at the stores anymore. I simply HAD to tie what I wanted. Still, I didn’t know if I would enjoy it or not, or maybe I would be horrible at it? Since this would be an experiment, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money.
After some research, I decided I wanted a rotary vice. I picked the Danvise for its features, excellent reviews, and price. I have no experience with any other vice, so maybe there’s plenty of other vices that have similar performance & features?
I do like the Danvise. It does an excellent job of gripping the size hooks I normally use…#12 up to 2/0. I haven’t tried smaller or larger hooks, but I think it would do just fine.
I often find myself with “time to kill” in the winter time, while waiting for my kids to get out of sports practices, dance classes, instrument lessons, etc. One thing I really like about the Danvise is that I can clamp it on the steering wheel in my car, and tie flies while I’m sitting in the parking lot waiting.
At home, I tie at the kitchen table, which has a glass top. The clamp screws right down on that glass and holds tight!
Its small and easy to transport.
Good luck in your search for a vise!
I have a Danvise and have tied approx. 3000 flies on it. Works great - but the cam to tighten the jaws has INCREASING tension as you turn it so be careful. I also have a Griffin Odessy Cam which may be stronger and better for travel but the jaws do not close parallel which the Danvise does. Many friends like their Peak.
However - read the attached review as you make your choice.
I love my Apex Anvil. It is built like an anvil and should last much longer than I will. My fingers are a bit clumsy and the Anvil can be tilted so that I can get my fingers close to the point of the jaws. It has an easy to adjust jaw opening for smaller hooks. It sits solidly on a pedestal base or can be used with a C clamp. The lever jaw closer is solid and easy to use. The jaws hold hooks quite tightly. It was well worth the $99 I paid for it.
Be careful though, tying can become addictive.
You simply CANNOT go wrong with the Danvise. If you search for vise reviews, it is ALWAYS at the top in sub $100.00 vises. Fact is, it will best some that cost way more.
Don’t look at me! I use a “Traveler” from Renzetti and I love it!
About six months back I was going through the same process. Several suggested the Peak rotary vise as well as the two you mentioned.
I looked at the Peak and really liked it so I bought it. I don’t know how many flies I’ve tied in the past 6 months, but let’s say my multiple fly boxes are full and I have them stored in other places. It’s starting to look like a fly shop around here.
So far, size 20 to size 6 have posed no problem. I don’t think I could see smaller than size 20 (either to tie or to attach to tippet) and haven’t had a need to tie anything bigger than 6 (yet).
You may want to also check out the Peak before making a final decision. You may really like it or not see any advantages.
One watch out, tying can become quite addictive and you will collect a bunch of dead animal parts. Then there’s always the thing that just looks too cool that you may need at some point in the future and you’ll buy it without any reason other than you may need it some day.
Also, there’s something just fun about catching fish on a fly you tied, and even more fun when you catch fish on a fly you just made up.
Love my PEAK. YMMV! Tie on many…select one…enjoy the ride.
WELCOME,to the FAOL family, first and foremost! I hope you find what you’re looking for here and if you don’t… “it” may not exist!?! LOTS of super people here and about ANY question you can come up with, regarding this obsession called “fly fishing” can be answered here.
As to vises, I own both. The Anvil Apex is a great vice for the buck. Solid, USA made, easy to use and mine is about 9 years old, now, and still going strong after more flies tied on it, than I’ll admit to.
Recently, I received a Danvise in a trade situation and have been using it, instead of the Apex, because I wanted to see if what all “I’d heard” was true or not. (all the GOOD things, about it). And, they ARE.
I don’t think, anyone, can go wrong buying a Danvise. Even though at first glance, some say “It’s PLASTIC!”, I sure haven’t seen ANYTHING that makes that an item of concern! The jaws are steel, they align perfectly, the rotary function is top notch and they perform flawlessly.
Sure, there are MANY OTHER vises on the market, some cheaper, most more expensive. And, like rods, lines, flies, reels and eating SPAM… every person have their OWN opinion, as to “what’s best”, “what’s not”.
But, for the price bracket you’re looking at, I don’t think you can go with either choice.
I can only say one thing…Griffin rules! I have a Griffin Montana Mongoose that I absolutely love. I haven’t seen the need for another vise, but if I were to get a second, it would be a Nor-Vise.
I’m new to tying as well. I did some research and was shopping at Cabela’s when I stumbled on a Danvice for $45, the only problem with it was the tensioner cam lever was broken off at the handle. I fixed it with some gorilla glue and it works great. For $45 I think I got a steal.
you might want to head out to your local fly shop and sit down and try out some vises before you make up your mind based on opinions. you might find one or a different one that is better suited for you and only you.
I can only say one thing…Griffin rules! I have a Griffin Montana Mongoose that I absolutely love.
Yay! Much more solid than a Danvise.
Normand offered some great advice, if you have that option available. Nothing like test driving a vise to be sure it fits your tying style. If that isn’t an option, perhaps purchasing from a place with a liberal return policy would be in order.
I wanted a rotary vise and bought the Danvise. While I like it the jaws do not grip as well as my Peak. The Peak is also MADE IN USA, which still means something to me. Here are two reviews that I found helpful while doing my own shopping.
A link to Peak: http://www.peakfishing.com/RotaryVise.htm
The other very nice option but a little more money would be a Dynaking Barracuda Jr: http://www.dyna-king.com/flyvise.asp?pv=0
For the money, Peak gets my vote.
I have a renzetti traveler that I bought as an upgrade to the anvil. I liked the anvil but I liked both the Traveler and the Danvise much better. I use the Anvil for crushing barbs because it does the best job at that.
Danvise is a good vise for the money. IMO
I have been tying on a Peak for a couple of years. I really like the simplicity of the Peak design, looks good feels good. The vise really shines when you mount the Midge Jaws though. The small jaws let you tie #14 and up and you can get to the hook to dress the fly easier.
if ya dont wanna spend a lota money on a vise but want a good rotary, go with the danvise… ive tied on one fer a while & love it… ive tied flies from size 2 down to size 32 on it with no problem… just make sure ya adjust the jaws acording to the video or instructions that comes with it so ya dont chip the vises jaws… the jaws has a 1 to 10 ratio so adjustment is sensitive… (example : for every 1 inch ya move the cam lever, the jaws on the other end moves 10 inches!)