I lied

To all those who graciously relieved me of massive amounts of yarn, I apologize. I promised it would go out Monday but it went out today.:oops:

AAHH, you bad Boy! Naughty, naughty.;):lol:

I really hate to see that sort of thing get started:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

First comes lying, then comes the thievery. Before you know it you run for public office, its a slippery slope get off while you can.:stuck_out_tongue:


Why, oh why did the pillory go out of fashion. Can’t find one when you need one. Nothing like a little public humiliation to nip that sort of thing in the bud.

You must fish…

No sweat rookie,
I still have 4 1/2 years till (semi) retirement. I can wait.

Aey thair ye gou laddy, unce you tak to spreedin yarns aboot, be nah tellin tu ware tha imp dallyin may lead. Unce thea gee thea huoks in it, thars da bet ayd waager som apun. Wea nah be tha rutted cobble lane tha seas tha leather boot diss day. Id pegg tha shadow eur the wisperin line ell pass ore tha glades green ruffel, en down tha trodden sneek. To tha tricklin spring, wur youth will keep tha dally tale sur tuked. Lai oly spokn of in wispers raose, an sipp the evnins dare. Nah single word wil pass between, for none ayl know ware thar.

Off with his head !!!