I have a beef about someone here and you all had better help me!

Let me just start this little tirade of mine by saying that someone from this site inadvertently cost me some bucks tonight! Went to Wal-Mart for some wheel cleaner and a little general shopping tonight. Well, there they were just sitting on the shelf gleaming in the soft glow of the fluorescent lights! I tell you they were right spang in the middle…er…on the end of the small appliance shelf.

Well, I says to my self, I just gotta have me one of these. I figure if that Joe guy from the peninsula of the island nation of Ohio has one I need one too. You see, he ain’t no ordinary Joe. Especially when he tells me that my Freud has slipped. Now I gotta ask St. Paul the confused one what the heck a Freud is? :confused:

Well, gittin back to the subject at hand, this is what Joe caused me to buy:


Why me, Joe? What’d I ever do to you? Why did ya have to torture poor, innocent me with all those scrumptious goodies from your machine? Was it because you were concerned about my diabetes and the sugar in those mass produced, commercial bakery loaves? I know! I bet that guy from Canton, island nation of Ohio, put a spell on you that made you make me do what I did. I tried to warn you about him. He rubs off on to you ya know.;):lol:

Seriously, Joe, thanks for the good idea. I enjoy your posts on cooking and now I can make my own diabetic bread very easily. By the way, Amy got the better deal tonight. I bought her a really nice front loading clothes washing machine.

Boy are your priorities way off Eric. You need a vacation! First that machine is magical, if you remember it broke Joe’s oven he had to get a new one. It also made Joe get more pans too, heck it probably talks to him in his sleep. Now Joe’s a God, with no time to fish, only bake. Second it was lonely and made you buy a Washer for the wife. Take a gander at this:
priority 1 Sporting goods
priority 2 secure new fishing stuff
priority 3 buy bread machine
priority 4 forget washer
priority 5 secure more fishing stuff
priority 6 make bread

OK so the machine has got to me, but you still can do with out the washer!:rolleyes:

Maybe that is what Joe meant when he told me my Freudian was slipping. I told her we don’t need a machine as I am perfectly glad to wear the clothes while wading. She told me that if the Wardens catch me doing that to the poor fishies they will throw me in jail and I can use the bread to chum for fish. I think Joe got to her too!:rolleyes::wink:

I ‘roasted’ 5 big cloves of garlic in the oven today, wife was ‘forced’ into making a loaf in our machine to go with the garlic. :slight_smile: (yup, we still use ours) :slight_smile:

… and you can put that roasted garlic right into the dough when making bread, so it’s infused throughout the loaf. Also, add 1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon of Italian seasonings (depending on taste) and you now have a loaf of garlic bread ready for any meal with red sauce that requires bread to sop it up with. Just toast and butter it.

Eric, I will not apologize, but rather CONGRATULATE you on finally making the the move. (and don’t tell my wife about the front loader, cuz she wants one too!) As you probably already know, the variations on what you can put in a loaf of bread are limited only by your imagination. Bob Apetite!

Joseph the Dough God

Something else to add to wishlist –

  1. Kitchen Aide mixer (just like Joe the Dough Gods’
  2. Front - Load Washer (like Amy (lucky girl)
  3. Sunbeam bread machine —

Darn it BillKnepp you better get your butt in gear I am behind on the times here.

As a side note:

I haven’t seen a recipe posted for spam bread yet. I’m starting to wonder how dedicated some of our spam connoisseurs really are. 1 step at a time, I suppose. Probably 12 steps total.

Try this, make a focaccia dough, add in that roasted garlic, some saut?ed onion do after final rise pat out on large sheet. Make some impressions with fingers, brush on olive oil sprinkle with sea salt, bake and enjoy!

You’re not the FIRST, to be taken advantage of by Julia Valencic, aka “Oven God” so don’t worry. As to YOU, “being mad at someone on this site”… well, buddy YOU are now on someone else’s “LIST”, namely MINE!
While reading this thread, Linda came into “The Den Of Disgust” and through the miracle of “Female Vision”, she right away spied the words; “FRONT LOADER”.
ALL, she said, after seeing that you’d purchased one for YOUR WIFE was… “SEE?”, as she pointed to the screen.
Now, I don’t know, how long you’ve been in wedded bliss, but my boy… “SEE?” when said in certain tones and in certain ways, often also used with certain “eye narrowing”, means only ONE thing… "The new, front loader COMBO of washer AND DRYER, are to be delivered to Aquila Ranch, as promised by the store I was FORCED to contact, either next Monday or, Tuesday at the latest.
This “new acquisition” does NOT include any new playthings, and/or, trinkets for myself either, like the deal YOU made. It’s just a straight out "Buy the new washer/dryer combo, I’ve been wanting for 3 years now, “OR”. The “OR” I will leave to your own imagination, but it’s ain’t pretty, I assure you.
It’s nice, that you got your new toy, that your pillow partner got her new appliance and even greater, that she’s now become you new fishing partner!! But, Eric, (and this is ONLY a slight suggestion), but after what YOU cost ME, today… you might want to be looking over your shoulder, whenever you’re out and about for the next little bit!!!
THANKS a heap!

Holy cow now I am on the top of Paul’s Special High Intensity Training list! I also realize now that, thanks to you dearest St. Paul, the shades of color green is one of the colors we turn due to strangulation as a form of corporal punishment for not following the orders of the H.H.6 (House Hold Six meaning House Hold Commander otherwise called a Wife)!

Actually, Paul, I am impressed that you are moving into the modern age and have realized that giving your wife a new laundry rock in the local waterway just does not get it done anymore. Also you get a bonus for the dryer! No longer does the poor woman have to attach her freshly laundered laundry to a windmill for that west coast tumble dry. ;):lol:

Now I can hardly wait to hear what pearls of wisdom come from that other Oregonian, Doug someone or another, and the strangely silent Central of the Island Nation of Ohio!:shock:

On a serious note a “standard” washing machine uses 35-45 gallons of water per load vs. the 15 gallons per load of a front loader. The front loader will get the clothes cleaner and, due to high speed spinning, cut down on your drying time. The machine Amy got is energy star rated. We have a tank-less hot water boiler that is fuel oil fired so this should save us a bit on fuel oil costs. Her dryer is just a little over a year old and energy star rated as well. Of course the conservation of water appeals to us too.

Quote; Now I can hardly wait to hear what pearls of wisdom come from that other Oregonian, Doug someone or another, and the strangely silent Central of the Island Nation of Ohio."
I’m glad you won’t have to make bread by hand anymore! :rolleyes:
This is an example of the dreaded Ringer Washing Machine, that my Grandma used to scare me with http://images.craigslist.org/01010601020901160920080413ae66950ee6ad5d2903008a91.jpg
I had nightmares for years about my arm going through the Ringer.
Thanks Grandma!! :frowning:

Your grandmother Doug? I USED one of those!

My mom used one too! I remember helping mom do the clothes and I had to stand away from the washer.

All that I remember is my Grandma had a dark basement, with this scary contraption in it, that I thought was dangerous. She also had a black cat named “LUCIFER” . Her house smelled like moth balls, since everything in her closet was wool (she worked for Pendleton WM for years) I am guilty of opening her fridge and taking Almond Rocas, when she was out of the kitchen. Grandpa had some strange magazines in the TV room that showed people playing volleyball and Grandma caught me looking at one of them and…She got upset.
Grandma did give me my first book (Treasure Island) and that got me interested in reading. Grandma had two dysfunctional husbands, but she was a nice person.
I will never forget about the time my wife and I took my Grandma to Yellowstone Park. Were all three out in a boat on Yellowstone Lake and I reel a cutthroat in and hold it up for a picture and Grandma said “Let The Poor Thing Go!” I was flustered and I said “I am Going To Let It Go!” LOL

Enough with the washing machines already. I want to see pictures of beautiful loaves of bread and happy faces eating it. I think I’ll bake bread tonight.


Julia Valencic! Sorry, but I forgot to ask, earlier… do you also, wear, one of those “Rachel Ray Jehid scarves” when you’re cooking?

Eric; I agreed to buy the washer/dryer, I DIDN’T agree, to hook it up to water, and/or, electric! Gads, spoil a woman just a little bit…

O.K. for a long time married guy you sure get yourself into a passel of trouble. Now about the “Or” you mentioned. The “Or” you mentioned is like a wild card that can be played anytime and multiple times. Like “Either you hook my new machines up to the water and electric OR I hook you up via the water TO the electric”. Linda, here is another “Or” thing you can tell him “Either you hook up my machines OR I show everyone at the Fish-In your butt naked baby pictures”. Now if you don’t have those types of pictures of Paul then they can be found on the Internet. no they don’t have to actually be Paul but the folks you show them to don’t need to know that either.;):lol:

Hey Joe,
I baked my first loaf today and it got devoured before I could get any pictures. It was like vultures on a road killed carcass!:wink: I will be going to the grocery store soon to get more ingredients to experiment with. I will keep you posted on how it turns out.

The bread machine of course is the start of it all. Pluses are it doesn’t heat up the house as much as oven bread and is a great way to start down the dark side.

The heavy duty sunbeam mixer and a digital scale is the best idea IMO. You have to do a bit more work per loaf but the results are a standard sized loaf. Its slices fit in the toaster and taste and texture are way better.

Next you’d better go out and get a dutch oven to bake stuff outdoors. to keep the summer heat out of the kitchen.

Then You’ll that new $1000 stainless barbeque in case 35 people suddenly show up for burgers on a hot summers day.

Follow your feelings Luke!!! Feel the anger flowing from within- in you embrace the dark side.

There are many dark sides to be found on faol. I fear that You have just gone down one of them … :twisted:

I do need a dutch oven and I already have these:


and a two year old version of this:


My grill has the big wheels on it to make it easier to maneuver. The model I have was specifically made for Home Depot but the one in the picture is similar to it. Mine is 65,000 BTU.:smiley:

As well as the fancy-schmantzy grilling machine, those 35 people will also be needing…

Yes, Luke, you have embraced yet another FAOL Dark Side. On the plus side, you can eat your mistakes, and your family benefits along with you.
