I am Back

I have a new email address and can get online 3 or 4 days a week.
Thanks for LF for helping get the stuff I messup up straightened out.
Now you have to put up with me, again.

I have a few articles that need to be written up, but what have youdone this eyar?


Welcome back Rick! My 'gills have commented on how sloppy and stuck in a rut I have become since your absence. Look out fishies, RZ’s back in town!

Good to see you are back Rick I look forward to your posts and articles. :slight_smile:

I too look forward to hearing more from you, Rick! Sounds like all is well with you following your big transition.

We had a nice little rain this morning up here, which ended just as I was starting my lunch. The fish were stacked nicely near an inlet to the pond I was fishing, and they were much more feisty than they’ve been in WEEKS. Caught this 9+" bluegill (with some weird head deformity), and 5 others, plus a couple of bass. Saw carp and catfish too.

Really good to see you back.

Welcome back sir…:slight_smile:

Welcome back buddy!!! We missed your daily input.


So glad you are back Rick… Hope you are getting the chance to torment those panfish.

Ed :cool:

Really glad to have you back Rick. John

Welcome Back “Z” :slight_smile:

I got out yestertday afternoon. I had my first 3 digit (>100) fish day of the year.
I wil work on getting the article done and sent in.

Please write something up and send it in.


100+?? That’s an AWESOME DAY, Rick!! Good job!

Hi Rick,

Wonderful to hear that you are back with the gang. Congratulations on your 100 fish day though I’m a little envious. I haven’t had one of those days due to extreme drought. Good to have you here again! 8T :slight_smile: