The travel and all the running around the Hospital has worn me out. I guess that is what I get for having this old broken down body.
Anyway here is the deal…
Got there Friday before the surgery and we were able to see him before and that is only because he got bumped for a guy that ended up is room mate after. He also had his leg amputated and was much more complicated because of his injuries nd it was above the knee.
As for my son he came through it great and woke up feeling really good. That changed Saturday evening with a lot of pain and then in the middle of the night he stopped breathing. They are not sure why, but his oxygen levels are not holding and there is lots of meds so they are trying to find out what is causing that. We were very lucky because a nurse was in seeing his room mate when that happened. He was snoring and stopped and luckily they noticed it and got him restarted and moved him to ICU for just short of 24 hours. Now that the oxygen is a problem they have moved him to a different room so he gets more attention (less patients per nurse).
Other than this all is really gone well and they put off looking at his stump today and will look tomorrow.
The big catch of all this is his skin is so thin from being burned so badly that it is not a certainty that this will work as he wants it to (in other words be able to jump out of air planes and return to unit in the field). The good part though is he has the respect from so many of the military Brass it is really something and they all like him so much that his future is bright even if this doesn’t work as he wants so he can again jump out of air planes. Even the Brass from other branch’s seem to have this great feeling for him. He will be there until about the first of the month and then home to Tampa until it’s time to start rehab and then back to BAMC for a good bit.
They even want him to stay a little longer than necessary this time because some Admiral wants to see him and he will not be there for a couple of weeks. I mean he’s not even in the Navy, but this guy and the others want him there for when he comes.
So thank you for all the prayers and I am sure they helped!
He looked great when we saw him yesterday morning on our way out!
Skip PS there is one more issue that is not so good. It’s something we knew about and that some time they would need to take care of some how. behind his right knee the skin cracks easy and is not good condition. The bad part of this is it’s location. It is right where all the blood vessels run and it’s dangerous to cut that out to graph better skin in that spot. You can die just from the surgery it things don’t go well as they would have to cut the vessels and reattach them after. His friend Doctor though has told him there is another way they may be able to look at which is some kind of patch of skin that wouldn’t require cutting the old out I think. I really am not too sure about this, but at some point they will need to fix that some way.
Also you will see on the news maybe today or tomorrow that they at BAMC have grown a finger from scratch. All the new technology is amazing and they are doing a lot of research with this stuff, skin, regrowing fingers, etc.
You and your family are in my prayers. You are very brave in how you’re responding to this very difficult situation. Your son is a hero in my eyes for his shear guts, determination and desire to serve his country.
You just put this where ever you want! JC and the Mrs. will understand, plus the Island Nation is behind you! From one Military Family to another, I’ve found that our kids do the right thing a lot whether or not we think so. I can understand the emotions and concern. Your son has alway been in my prayers from the day he enlisted, along with everyone else. He is in the best place he could ever be in. To your son I say thank you for your courage,stamina and sound belief in our country. May God Bless you and watch over you and your Family. We are here for you and forever behind you with our prayers. Skip I can only hope that my oldest son who is in the Navy, has Friends like you and your son. keep us updated please!
From the Island Nation of Ohio - God Bless
Thank you all so very much. It is truly appreciated from all of my family. I tell him lots of times about what people say and I pass it on from people here and on a couple of other boards I go to.
Kentucky is getting close to where he was stationed while in the 5th Group at Ft. Campbell. He’s been with SOCOM since getting to a point that he could work again. He and his wife are both mentors for the care coalition.
Glo God;
Sorry, I’m weighing in so late, but still I’m sure you know that I will be covering the prayer sector for Linda and I, here on the Left Coast my friend.