Humorous happening at kid's fishing rodeo yesterday

Our TU Chapter was requested to help out at a Kiwanis sponsored Kid’s Fishing Rodeo at a large pond on the grounds of the local Baptist Children’s Home. We provided instructions before the rodeo on safety, casting, etc. and then it was off to the pond with about 35-40 kids. I started out helping with casting, baiting and mostly untangling! There was a fish cleaning table set up and two teenagers bagged the trout in plastic bags, put the kids names on it, and put them into two large ice filled chests for later dispersal back to the kids, with a certificate and their names on them, after lunch time at a picnic pavilion.

After delivering a couple of fish to the cleaning table from pond side I was asked to assist there for the remanider of the morning as they only had one other Kiwanis member cleaning the fish. About mid way into the morn I was approached by two little girls of about 8-10 years old. They asked me if they could watch me clean a trout and I said sure. As I opened the stomach area a very large egg sac popped out and the littlest of the girls let out a loud, “Oohhh! What’s that?” The bigger of the two promptly said, “Those are eggs. That means it’s a GIRL fish!” Totally cracked up all of us at the table. All the fish I cleaned were “GIRL” fish and the other gentleman too except he had a couple of “BOY” fish in the mix. Somehow that seemed to make it all worthwhile.

Kids are so kewl! They just say it like it is!!