So, just window-shopping on ebay and notice a rod builder rebuilding various SB 357, 359, 57 rods into 7’ers. Now I know these were 9’ers in their previous life but can the sections just be cut shorter refitted with ferrules (originals), guides rewrapped to make into 7’ers? I would think that the sections would have to be split, replaned, reglued. Wouldn’t the tapers/flex be compromised just cutting the ends?
Quinn, you are exactly correct. I know a person here in Nashville that bought a couple of those and he is absolutely sick over spending his money on a cut down rod. And you nailed it!! The action was completely compromised due to someone cutting the rod down to make a short “small stream rod” out of it. He now has 2, 3 piece, 7 foot rods, that are basically useless to him. He bought them as “small stream 4 wt rods” and I cast them about a month ago and I would say that a 7 wt may load them but I wasn’t too sure if even that would.
Some of the rod models could have been 8.5’ to 9’ originally not all 9’ers as I posted earlier.
You know, his finish (varnish, wraps, hardware replacement) work is very well done based upon the pics w/his offer. But it’s too bad that he has totally ruined the action of the rods cutting them. I know that there is a big demand for 7’ers in bamboo but this is definitely an aesthetic over function product.
He does inform the shopper of the original model in his description so FAOL folks, it pays to read the description. Go to Fishn’ Banjo’s sight to see what the model and length was originally and then decide if you really want a cut down rod. I believe you’d get a better performance rod with a banty (made from tips and mids if you are not familiar- and I’ve even heard some of these are dogs to cast).
It might be to your benefit to ask how it was shortened.
I’ve seen those adds and always wondered how you can shorten a rod by cutting from the ferrule stations without messing up the taper and casting,fishing ability of a rod. It doesn’t make sense. You would be thickening the butt or female section and thinning the tips or male section. I know some production rods have very flat tapers at their ferrule stations but enough to make a 9’ into a 7’er I wouldn’t think it was a very good blank to begin with.
I’ve built a few bantys but have always either cut the butt section shorter or done away with the butt altogether.
TomTrout, how do they work out when you cut the butt please?
Sounds as if he could be building a handle section
and sticking the mid section and tip into it using
original lengths. Some of them can be pretty sweet.
Warm regards, Jim
Most cut down rods are crap.
Sorry, but it is true.
Now, if it was a real noodle of a rod. Then cutting down the rod can have a positive affect on the preformance.
But most of your South bends and such, started out as 6/7 weight and shorting them makes the 7+ weights.
Now, a mid and tip made into a banty can be fun, I have a couple I made for my 8 year old and he loves them.They are small and he can power them out there.
Ebay is not always the best place to buy rods.Have your freind get ahold of me and I can help him out on which rods are the right ones.
I’ve not made any banty’s but have seen some gorgeous works by Dleo and others on the board. I’m ready to do one soon (when time is available?). I’ve read from one or two members also that did have some bad results with bantys so test cast the tip/mid sections to simulate before you cut the butt section in half and there’s no turning back :idea: .
But as far as cutting down tips, mids and butts to make a rod shorter… Someone’s gettin’ the short end of the stick! Pun intended. :shock: