How to make a cane rod in one minute


Been playing with YouTube, grin.

Forgive the part about this being a promo for the Catskill Museum’s cane class - I just thought you might enjoy the one minute look at making rods :slight_smile:


(well, there are still slots open in the class, but that’s not the point)

nice video


Cute vid Kat but how did RJB get into New York? I thought there was some kind of injunction or something 'bout him visiting the state.
Also, the Museum website lists the rodmaking class for 2009-nothing about the 2011 class. Thanks again.

I’m puzzled. If you can build them in a minute, why the high price? ;):stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm…the price must reflect all those hours of p.t. after scurrying so fast. :slight_smile:

Ron was the lead instructor before David, always remember your roots, grin. Fun to revisit past faces… The guy splitting in the beginning is a NY comedy writer for Paul Scheffer, the older gentleman had 30 years on me, and the curly haired woman was George Barnes daughter-in-law… But couldn’t include everyone, sigh.

The museum’s website is undergoing revision, another sigh, a long process. Meanwhile, they’re using their Facebook page. Anyone interested should probably call, or just contact me.
