Cute vid Kat but how did RJB get into New York? I thought there was some kind of injunction or something 'bout him visiting the state.
Also, the Museum website lists the rodmaking class for 2009-nothing about the 2011 class. Thanks again.
Hmmm…the price must reflect all those hours of p.t. after scurrying so fast.
Ron was the lead instructor before David, always remember your roots, grin. Fun to revisit past faces… The guy splitting in the beginning is a NY comedy writer for Paul Scheffer, the older gentleman had 30 years on me, and the curly haired woman was George Barnes daughter-in-law… But couldn’t include everyone, sigh.
The museum’s website is undergoing revision, another sigh, a long process. Meanwhile, they’re using their Facebook page. Anyone interested should probably call, or just contact me.