How NOT to start your kids fishing

Last week, I was in Colorado for ski trip. I also wanted to fish, so I hired a trout guide for a day. He told me that the week before, he had taken out a guy and his daughter (8 or 9 years old.) I think it was her first time ever. Anyway, air temps were around 5 degrees, water was in the low 30’s. After about an hour, the little girl said, “Is it always like this?” Then, she went and sat in the car the rest of the day. She may never fish again. :frowning:

Not a good plan to say the least. Now I always say take a kid fishing… but lets make sure the weather is right first please.

I agree. Children, and novices should start out with easy situations. You don’'t learn mountain-climbing by going out and tackling Mt. Everest out of the starting gate.

Make sure there is nothing to distract them like being cold and be sure they catch fish…worms on bluegill is good.

In March or April I will take my 2 year-old grandson to watch a friend of mine feed the 'gills in a pond…and might just toss a fly into 'em and let the kid play a fish.