How is my pairing?

I posted this on a local, (well, Texas), fly fishing board and thought I would post it here too in order to get a bit more feedback. So, here goes…

Ok, I have been fly fishing for almost 2 years now. During this time I have acquired two decent reels, a Sage 1680 8wt and a Redington CD 5/6wt. I had them mounted on some less than average rods, (a cheap no name rod from Academy for the 8wt), and a used South Bend Royal Coachman I got in a trade a while back for the 5/6wt.

Now, today I went to Gander and noticed that they had a couple of rods on clearance. A St Croix Premier in 6wt and a Redington Crosswater in 8wt. They were both $60 each so I picked them up. On the way home from Gander I stopped by a local neighborhood lake and managed to snag a fat Bluegill on the 6wt and then a small bass on the 8wt! So at least they got started with some good mojo!

Anyway, my point to this whole post is to ask what do you guys think about the pairing up of the rods with the reels I have? When I was at the store I thought the St Croix was a bit “noodley” but once I got to the lake and started casting with it, (I am VERY FAR from an accomplished caster), I seemed to be able to cast it better than with the old rod, (maybe just psychologicaly “thinking” I could cast better?). Even with the wind I was able to cast both of them pretty good considering my skill level, (which has been improving lately I might add! ).

So, there you have it. Just wanted some feedback on what you thought about the pairings.

Thanks guys!

It’s all good man. By the way, those aren’t your last rods, just your next ones. Equipment is cool to talk about in Wis when it was snowing out like this morning, but time on the water is really where it is at.

I’m headed to San Antonio in a few weeks and hope to tackle some large carp on the fly. Thought of making it over to the salt but not sure that the couple of hour trip to the ocean is in the cards but look forward to wetting a line in your state soon.

In general, most people spend more on a rod than a reel since many who fish small streams don’t ever use their drag in the first place. Depends on what you are after. In the salt you have to spend money on a reel because you will use it, is my opinion at least. Yes, a lot of fish have been landed with a Pflueger Medalist but that wouldn’t be my first choice for the salt. If you are pan fishing, who cares, just have a grand time and tippet is probably more important than any other part of your rig.

Something tells me you bought the 8 wt for something that pulls though and you will want a better reel on that. Have fun and don’t be shy.

I just started to post on Texas Fishing so I can get geared up about the trip.

Thanks Clay! Yes, I did get the 8wt for some bigger stuff. Being in Houston I’m only an hour or so away from the coast and some good specks and reds. Originally, when I started fly fishing, I began with the 8wt because at that time my folks lived down in Gilchrist on the Bolivar Penninsula. Well, needless to say, hurricane Ike changed all that when he decided to take thier house. I don’t have a free place to stay down there anymore but I will definately be making several trips down this season!


I think you got a couple of nice rods to go with those reels.

I have a 6wt Premier and fish it often, using it in lakes for trout, bass, and bluegill. I really like it I also have some 6wt rods that 2 and 5 times what the Premier cost originally retail, I fish those too, but I am just as happy with the St. Croix as my more expensive TFO and Sage models.

The Redington Crosswater is another nice rod and an excellent value. At $60 each you got a lot of bang for buck.

The Sage 1600 and 1800 series reels are often overlooked I think. I have the 1880. It has a great drag. The 1680 has the same drag but is not finished as nicely. Its a pretty good reel for heavier fresh and light saltwater work. The Redington CD is a pretty good reel too. I have the 7/8 and use it in fresh and saltwater. Both reels should provide great service.

I have about three dozen rods and two dozen reels, ranging from low to high end (I might need to get some help for this tackle gathering affliction), but if they all disappeared and I had to start all over again I would be very pleased with the setups you have.

WoW! Dozens of outfits?? My wife would KILL me…seriously!! LOL
If you evern feel the need to part with some just let me know. :slight_smile:

s1rGr1nG0 lol ya got a pair, now ya got work on a full house…:wink:

A little humor there,

My wife is partly responsible for that collection. After we got married, she decided to learn to fly fish and liked it. So I needed equivalent stuff for her. Then there is a need for spares in case some thing breaks on a trip and loaners for teaching. When you fish gear from 2 to 13wt, it adds up.

You have a good start with some solid, quality gear that will cover a great many situations.

I agree, you’ve got some good stuff there!

I’ve got a 5wt St. Croix Premier…its my favorite rod!
Also have an 8wt. Premier. I like it, too. Will continue to use it more this year as I stalk carp in earnest.

Those seem like good reels (based on reviews…I don’t have those myself), so pairing them with your new rods should be great!