Paul has been on my mind for 2 weeks and I have not seen any posts from him. I wanted to call him, but, cannot find where I put his phone number. I even asked Mikey (ohiotuber) a week ago, when he called me, for Paul’s number and he gave it to me and I cannot find what I wrote it on! I am worried about him and would appreciate any information anyone can give me.
I talked to Paul last week & while he was not feeling well, he was (as always) positive, which is pretty much the “norm” for him. Give me a call & I can give you his number. You know you can call me very late…seems like I’m always up until after 1am.
Warren while I join you in hoping Paul is all right, I’m becoming a bit concerned about you after reading this post. Alzheimer"s or just trying to keep with Jack on the whiskey?
Hey buddy, you read my mind. Thanks for posting. Paul did send me a PM on my Birthday. Imagine that, ill as he is, he still took time to send me a wonderful Personal Message! I really look forward to meeting Paul someday. Thoughts and Prayers to you, Paul.
Before I posted on here I had sent Paul an e-mail and he responded this morning. I now have his home and cell phone numbers written on a piece of paper and in my wallet. “Thank you” Dougie for letting Paul know that I was concerned. Hopefully Paul will not mind if I post this: He is going through a lot of pain and still on new meds and will not know if they are helping or not for a few weeks when tests will be run. He does have a few “good” days, but, not as many as he use to. He is still mentally fighting this and trying real hard to keep a positive attitude, but, I can tell from his e-mail that it must be a real struggle for him right now and he can use all the thoughts and prayers we can send his way. I have never met Paul, but, feel like I have known him all my life and I hope and pray that God will allow Paul and I some time to fish together, smoke our pipes, drink some of his coffee, tie some flies and just “shoot some s***” together.
rainbowchaser…I am with you on this Alzhemiers thing. I think I just have to much going on with work, but, hopefully one year from today I will be able to say that I am retired. I lost my Father to Alzhemiers 3 years ago and that is a terrible way to go. It is hard to believe what it will reduce a person to. Jack knows I do not do the whiskey thing, so, he feels safe letting it sit around his house when I am there!
Everyone please remember that Paul needs your prayers and support right now.
UUHH, guys, isn’t it more like, maybe, OLDTIMERS??
At least that is what I keep telling my self everytime I put something in a “safe” place NEVER to be seen again. St. Anthony is really over worked with me calling on him at least 4 or more times a day to find stuff.
Flybinder, hang in there, we are praying for you, inbetween the lost in plain site :shock:stuff.
I frequently think of Paul and always send up a short prayer for him. It’s been said that when someone is not well, that you don’t ask what you can do for them, you just do something. In my family that means taking someone either a meal or some treat that you know they would enjoy.
St. Paul, since we don’t exactly live close to each other (and I’m sure that Linda and Linda prefer it that way), I can’t just stop by with some soup and fresh bread for you. But what I CAN do is to send you a VIRTUAL MEAL that I prepared while thinking and praying for you.
Here is a nice bowl of Pasta E Fagioli that I made yesterday in your honor…
…and here are the loaves of bread I made this morning for my Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinner tonight. I have embraced the tradition of praying for people while I knead dough, so you can imagine the workout I got at 0600, not to mention the prayer time.
Enjoy your virtual meal, and know that you are on my small mind frequently.
BTW, others are welcome to contribute virtual foods and gifts for Paul. He may not be in shape for writing, but he’s always ready for a smile.
Oh, the beauty queens from the Island Nation of Ohio send you their best…
Well, you can call it brunch by now I guess Paul…wife made this up for you…
Paul, I was thinking you might like to see a big brown I got surprised by in a lake near the CA border with OR just this last Sept. Fuzzy pic I know but I was takin’ the pic with the phone in my left hand. Hope you can make out the 4.5" long leech pattern firmly attached to the brown.