How do you keep track of what fly line you got???

Over the years I’ve collected nearly a half a dozen fly lines. I fish the following weights 2 wt, 4 wt, and 6 wt. The reels are a good indicator of the weight. However, telling what fly line from what can be confusing and as I get older I tend to be more forgetful. So what is the best way to keep track of flylines? Should I engrave it onto my $100+ spools?

I have a small journal book with all of my reels listed and what line is on each spool. I have eight reels and 8 extra spools. So it helps me to keep a list. Hope this helps John

If I had that problem. I’d put a sticker on the inside of the spool.

I did Gramps, but over time they fell off. Maybe, but you have given my an idea, I’ll look into those tiny metal tabs with an industrial sticky on the back. Just gotta find away of writing on it or maybe engraving it with a dremel.

Jose…when I started out the guy I bought my stuff from did indeed engrave…but hey we move on…now I rely on the stickies that come with the line…amazing how well they stay on…if not I use a little piece of duct tape with the specs written on and they hold up well…

Oh and also I keep a list of my lines on the computer…also rods :slight_smile:

I use a Brothers labeling system and stick it on the spool. But why not go and get them engraved they are your reels and it would be like leaving your fingerprint on them if they ever got stolen. If after you engrave them you change the lines try the labeling system.


I use the stickie that comes with the line. If not then, i use a piece of tape.

For a way to identify off reel/spool is to put a piece of tape with your info for the line on it.

hi jose

i use a “sharpie” marker to put rings on the front end area of the fly line. for 1, 2 3 or 4 weights i make the corresponding number of narrow bands around the line. for 5 weight and higher i make one wide band and add narrow bands for 6, 7, 8, etc.

most of my lines are weight forward, but for the few that are double taper i mark them with 2 sets of bands.
hope this helps.


fly reel dots!

if you dont want to engrave the spool, engrave the reel seat where it comes in contact with the reel seaton your fly rod.

how about the white, silver and gold markers overcoated with clear sally hansens nail polish

I think it smears it.

I don’t do the extra spool thing so it’s easy. I have no duplicate reels so I just remember what line is on what reel.

That is funny gramps. I just bought a used reel from Jerry, the line is a 3 weight line and it has 3 marks on the line with a sharpie. I wondered where the lines came from or what they were for. Now I know, Jerry do you use this method or was it a used line from Gramps?

My mind doesn’t seem to be as good as it once was (if it ever was!!). I use the stickey on the side of the spool, AND the sharpie dots on the end of the fly fline, AND if I take it off the spool, for what ever reason, I tie a garage sale price tag (the little tags with the strings on 'em) around the loop of line.

What he said

yep the sharpie maker works great!!!

I too, did this for a time, but found the stickers fell off and gummed up the drag, just when you didn’t want them too. I lost a nice trophy brown that way.

I can’t recall where I heard this from, Lefty or Joe Humphreys maybe…you can mark your line tips with permanent marker. Thin lines for the line weight and then you can come up with a system like thin lines in front of a thick line for WF …thick then thin for DT what ever works for you. I just know what lines I have for each rod so it’s not hard for me to remember. I don’t have the same brand or color for every rod. In one case, I use one reel for five different lines (spools) and I know what each line is. In other cases…it’s the reel that lets me know what rod it’s for. I have over a dozen lines and six different reels. I’ve managed to remember what goes to what…and for me…thats’ a feat.

…and now I can see I didn’t read far enough into the thread. D’oh!! Jerry said it first! :lol:

Ditto. I use a sharpie to mark the fly line using the same system. Makes a lot more sense than marking the spool, since fly lines get changed.

Like Norm mentioned, ReelDots. I had a similar thread going some months back and Jerry (dotman) reminded me that in my order of reeldots I purchased were some of the ones you mark you line weight and type. Works great. :smiley: I use a sharpie marker and coat the dot with with laquar (sp?) to ensure I don’t rub it off.

I only wish I had this problem to deal with. But someday, when I’ve got lots of money then I’m sure I’ll remeber this thread. Enjoy fishing your 10 different rigs. I’ll stick with the same one I’ve had for 6 years now. Maybe some day… [url=][/url:b308c]

Some of us are not rich, we are just ‘krazy mad’ and obsessed about fly fishing - it’s were the nickname “Trout Bum” arises from.