How do ya ask a member a question?

I am getting ready to get into fly tying and have read Al Campbell’s excellent article on what to get. I would like to ask him a couple of questions, how would I do that?

Hi Mark,

As a new member, I am sure you didn’t know Al Campbell passed away. He was revered on this site.

If you will go ahead and ask your questions, just as you did this one, there will be many people very happy to offer you advise and suggestions.

Hey, Mark,
We stand ready to answer any and all of your questions, sometimes even factually :shock: .

I am so sorry, I, of course, did not know that he had passed, forgive my ignorance.

I was going to ask about vises, if he thought the newer Griffin was OK for beginner or stick with the 3ARP?

:smiley: Hi Mark,

You’re about to be bombarded with advise and opinions. Just not from me, because I don’t know anything.

Good luck

hey Mark - the best vice for a beginner is the one you pick up. After that, once you tie for a while - it’s what you personally like about a vice.

So, if you have one - stick with it for a bit. If you need one - the only advice I’ll give is … go get one.

I agree pick up something for a vise use it and by doing so you will find what you want in a vise. ie better grip on the hook more room different mounting etc. Then after using it for awhile spend the money on a good one. I won’t recomend a particular brand because that boils down to personnel preference. Just stick with it you are entering a world of wonder and relaxation.

Click on the BB HOME button above and go to the fly tying section to post your fly-tying questions on there too. There’s a wealth of knowledge from our fly tying members.
Be forewarned that you’ll soon be looking at the world on different slant- the chain on your window blinds are now for weighted flies, you’ll be happy to go with your wife (or mom, aunt, sister, old lady down the street) to the local craft store, and let’s not talk about fingernail polish.

OK Mark…I’ll get more specific…and if you do a search on FAOL you will find threads dealing with your exact question [unless they’ve cycled out.

I do believe many on this site have recommended what I’m about to suggest…and of course there are other opinions …maybe this will flush them out…then you can decide for yourself.

I would get a “true” rotary vice from the get go…that way you can learn rotary techniques to start with and not get set in your ways like some of us.

The Danvise is such a vise and is priced well at $80…and it can be found for less …it is the vise of one of the FAOL sponsors…AL & Gretchen Beatty

My first vise was an HMH Spartan and has served me well 20 plus years and found no reason to replace it. I have added a Renzetti Traveler for traveling though.

To answer the question how do Ya ask a member a question. Click on Message center (Its at the top of this page) then click new post. enter the members user name and type in your message.

You will find lots of helpful advice on FAOL, much of it inspired by AL Campbell. :slight_smile:


I was reading the thread…and thought about making a comment and decided not to. Then…Ducksterman said what I was thinking…so now I got’s to say it. He is correct at least in how my vise buying went. I bought an expensive non-true rotary at someone else’s advice. The next thing I saw was my first Montana Nymph that looked to me, until I turned it over and saw the other side…ugh! I then saw flies tied on a true rotary…of which you will see that ugly side and correct it before you finish the fly. So…since I was beginning…I decided exackery what Ducksterman recommended. I decided I didn’t want to learn on a fixed vise and then switch. I bought a true rotary vise to start learning on and will continue to tie on. Furthermore…go to sponsors button and find BT’s Fly Fishing…that’s Al and Gretchen. Not only have they been selling the vise a long time, their fly tying video’s are performed on the Danvise. Can’t get much better info than watching your own vise in action by a couple of top notch pro’s. They even have a video on “How to Tie Flies in True Rotary Fashion”…of course done on the Danvise. May not be the correct title but it is a video on rotary tying.


All the advice here will be good. For a review of most of the current vises click [url=]HERE[/url:50c9b]

Took y’alls sound and overwhelmeing advice. I have emailed BT’s for pricing on a complete setup INCLUDING the very favorably reviewed and heretofore mentioned Dan vise.

Seriously, THANKS for the help!

Hey Mark,

I heartily concur with your choice. I’ve been tying
on a Danvise for a number of years now and I’m totally happy with it. It does virtually everything
the high dollar vices do with a sacrifice of only a
bit of glitz and glamour. It’s not shiney but it
sure works well.G Warm regards, Jim

Glad it helped you, Mark. Take good care of that town of yours, pretty important one. First off, keep the first fly you tie (no matter what it looks like!) Then, after a while, let us know how it’s going and post a picture on here. :smiley:

Mr. Castwell, what a GREAT idea, I will sure do that and let you know. Not the best eye hand guy and with short fat fingers it may be awhile prior to the ‘after’ pic. I will sure do it, however!

Question: How do ya know 'bout Midland, TX? Now exactly fly fishing mecca!