Hot Lunch Tip

I just got this from a member of a Tennessee fly fishing board.
He likes hot Burritos for lunch which he prepares the night before wraps in aluminum foil and stick in the fridge. In the morning he preheats the oven to 350 has coffee and pops the Burritos in the oven along with a brick wraped in 3 layers of aluminum foil, the Burritions on the center rack the brick on the bottom. By the time he has showered and dressed everything is nice and hot so he puts a towel in the bottom of a lunchbox size cooler, places the brick on the towel, layers his Burritos over the brick and covers them with another towel. He claims that the Burritos will still be toasty warm at lunch time.

I will be testing this “Hot Lunch” method on my next trip to the Elk River. There is gas station/general store on the way that has a nice selection of hot sandwichs and great Broasted chicken. Fish below the dam, have a hot (I hope) lunch and then head down stream for the afternoon.

I am heading to the river Friday morning, I think I will also give this a

Thanks for the hot tip for lunch!


Please let us know how this works after you give it a go!

It does work, used the method several times.

Being a fly fisher who is concerned with how other fishermen perceive my status on the stream, is there a designer brick that would make me look like an elitist, and not just like an ordinary fisherman who would be satisfied with a cold PB&J or baloney sammich from his uninsulated vest? I would gladly pay $150-$200 for an appropriate brick that would separate me from the commoners on the river. With all of my Orvis endorsed equipment, no ordinary brick will do.

Please advise.:rolleyes:

Sure Joe, I have just the brick for you. Go ahead and send me the $200 plus $25 shipping and I will give you the brick:rolleyes:. Yea, right.

They say there is one born every minute but I figure you were not one of them Joe;).

Larry —sagefisher—

Good luck with that in Tullahoma. Jim

I like the idea of bringing a brick fishing.
If streamside etiquette doesn’t work out… there’s always plan B


Bricks are too heavy :slight_smile:

This is how we do lunch !!!

I have a piece of Montana soapstone that I could shape into a brick for you. I’m sure you would be the only one on your block with a soapstone brick, and as you know, soapstone is famous for holding it’s heat. It would certainly show those unwashed fly hurlers who was the bull of the woods. It would have them green with envy, until they found out you got food poisoning from leaving your burrito samich in a warm place for hours at a time.:o Maybe you’d better stick with trimmed cucumber sandwiches, like we truly elite anglers eat. :wink:

i have a handmade brick of peruvian clay made by indigenous people practicing the craft of their forefathers. they are headed up by a harvard professor who knows what is good for them. they can now afford complete tommy hilfiger wardrobes.

Joe I don’t know about them $200 bricks, but there were guys back in Ohio who would take two canoes with a platform lashed between them for storage and scour a river for old bricks. They collected em, looked for old ones. You might get get one from them for $200.

I just thought of a good use for bricks Jack. How bout you use them for ballast? In your Toon! You know, when you have Joe and Warren out on the water, after you all have pigged out on food and drink and your a little off balance LOL The load of bricks might help keep your Toons from capsizing! :smiley:
Always thinking of your best interests,

Sounds like a great tip. I’d be warmin up a serving of Tennessee’s famous “meat-n-three” instead of a burrito for lunch though.


I’m with Chris, except my coleman stove sports a small propane bottle.
The coffee pot is also only an 8 cupper, smaller size, but perks fast.
The only trouble I have had is getting the truck positioned to help block the wind.

LMAO. Doug, that is a great idea!

I saw something simular to this years ago. Chefs going for their cert. test. two of them are required to make a souffle. One guy is a chef to some high roller the other is an average joe.

By the time the judges make it to check the souffles it’s been 10 min. high rollers souffle is mush. Ave Joe has taken a piece of marble, popped it in the oven and wrapped it in a napkin. Souffle sits on top and is nice and fluffly and warm.

Scrap pieces of granite also work.
I just can’t see putting brick in my vest.

Ballast!!! Cary has tried to convince me that my waders need ballast. He offered to put rocks in my waders so I wouldn’t float away if I got into deep water. Hummm … He may have something there! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or! You could just take that tinfoil wrapped burrito and put it on the manifold of your outfit and run the engine for a few minutes. Works pretty well. Not sexy. Won’t win any snob points. But it works.

That’s actually considered ‘gourmet’ in some circles.
Manifold burritos we called them.
They were especially hot if we happened
to be leaving a fly fishing area, moving to
another, knowing we’d arrive by noon.
Actually had melted cheese on the intake at
times. Never set any on fire though. ‘Course
gotta make sure it’s tin foil they’re wrapped
in. Oh man were they tasty when we got
where we were goin’.

Now that I think back, that must be why
we thought they were ‘gourmet’ ! !



P.S. For the ladies
out there, I would
imagine y’all could
even do s’mores
on the intake manifold.

P.P.S. That wasn’t
meant to be sexist,
political or anything…
well, cause it would
apply to Dads, Grandads
and kids too. Ok, cheers
and happy manifold
cooking !