Hoppers in Central, Pa

what color and size of hoppers are fished here in central, PA. I know color isn’t all that important but i like to be as precise as I can.

Never been to central PA, but the Maryland Appalachians are about the same.
We got a lot on hoppers size 8-10, and 12 in slower spots with grassy overhangs.

Letort Hopper. Bright yellow/greenish tint body in early summer, pale yellow body in mid summer and yellowish brown body in late summer/early fall. I fish them in size 10 and 12 with pretty good luck.

The other pattern I find productive in that area during hopper time is a yellow stimulator from size 10-16. I know it’s not a hopper, but the trout don’t seem to.

I gave up on hopper patterns several years ago when I discovered the Madam-X. I tie it in size 12 and 14 in “natural”, green, and black. I also tie it in white for those occasions when nothing else seems to work.

Honestly, it’s my favorite dry fly. Floats well, easy to see and for me absolutely deadly.

I usually tie a midge (al’s rat) off the end about 12" below the Madam-X on 7x flouro.

Give it a try, you might be pleased with the results. Oh, I use Frog’s Fanny to keep it floating nice and high.

I’m with SoM. Only I like the Parachute Madam X (PMX). I tie them in orange, yellow, and green, usually with a hot pink para. post. I find I can see them a lot better. I like them in sizes from 6 to 14, depending on time of year, and whether I am pretending to be a stonefly or a hopper.


I too have recently discoverd “Madam X”. Easier to tie with less material than the standard hopper patterns. I use a product called “Super Floss”, although diffiuclt to find, for the body because it is very buoyant and it comes in many colors.

How durable is the deer hair head of the hopper?

I have some Madam-x that are on their 4th season and lots of fish. It’s the wing that is torn up if anything.

I’ll be tying some up tonight. Terrestrial season looms.