During the Mustad discussion I said I’d order some of the new hooks and report back. I ordered the new 94840s in #14 and the Mustad S70s, replacements for the 3399s, from Hook and Hackle. I got my order today. I received 100 real 94840s, not the new replacements, and found that the S70s are back ordered. Apparently the new versions of old hooks are not in circulation yet, or something. I’ll let you know. In the meantime, I’m breathing easier knowing I’ve got 100 more 94840s, if nothing else.
Hi Eric,
We will look forward to hear from you when the new hooks come in. I was in Amarillo today, but Gander Mountain only had a few 94840s and I didn’t know what sizes I needed, so I couldn’t stock up there.
I am thinking about what to order from Hook and Hackle myself, this is the time of year that I go through hooks, thread , beads, etc. ad nauseam, and then get together an order to H&H. It is a pain to go through the stuff, and this year it will be harder because I will have to think longer term about the hook model that is going away.
Amarillo, boy it was good to hear that name mentioned again. I use to live in Pampa a long time ago. Would take long walks and bike rides with my friends to panhandle, Miami and Canadien just to get togehter and practice bull riding on an old 55 gallon drum strung from the tree's. Boy since growing up and moving far away a long time ago up here in the Northeast married to a yankee girl I hear that name and think of those simple days and looking out off the butes and plateau's seeing a sunset set that would make that area look like it was on fire. Cottonwoods and sage brush. It may have not been much to some. But remembering those days makes me get the blue bonet blues. I think it's time for this cowboy to take a trip back home.
For what it’s worth, we started shipping the new hooks about 8 weeks ago. Most everything is in stock right now with a few exceptions. So, the dealers can get the product but it does take a bit of time for the product to work it’s way through to the shops. Looking forward to hearing what you think.
I have some of the new 9672’s comming in on tuesday we shall see. If the consistancy is better in the sizing I will be happy as a pig in slop. That ws my biggest complaint.
I was at the Cabelas in Hamburg Pa. on Friday. They had alot of the new hooks, so they have hit some of the retailers. Price of the new hooks seemed in line with the older styles.
Very nice to hear. I have my annual pilgrimage planned for Feb and was hoping they were fully stocked in Hamburg.