Can’t for the life of me figure out what color they are or how to tell what size your about to order.
I tried to call, no luck, went ahead and ordered and added special instructions to the order and followed up with email…hate to be so difficult for a 2.60 item.
Anyhow, anyone know what color they are? Chrome, Black, both?
Usually a “knurled edge” means it had a decorative, almost rope type, edge to the piece. The H&H knurled winding checks are made by Batson, in a shiny gunsmoke finish … sort of blued color? You need to measure right below where the grip is going to end, where the winding check will set, and the measuring is done with a caliper. If you don’t know what size to order, you can sometimes order 2 sizes smaller than the butt end. Fortunately, they’re not really expensive, cuz you may need to reorder after you get your grip reamed and set in place!!
Yea, I sort of figured it was the case but wasn’t sure.
In their usual fashion, the folks over at H&H took care of my order and followed my special instructions and did not ship the one I ordered as it would have been Gunsmoke.