Hook Comparison (Mustad 3366 & 3399)

I tie a lot of flies and just give them away. It is a fun hobby. Most of the flies are tied on 3399’s however I recently came across some 3366’s at a cheaper price. After tying with the 3366 model I don’t see much of a difference except for the eye (Straight versus turned down). I am wondering why many fly shops sell neither models and only a few carry the 3399. For example Hook & Hackle does not stock the 3366’s.

Also if anybody should have the means to weigh the two hooks I wonder which hook is lighter.


Tim Anderson

Hi; You’re right about the “eye” difference. The straight 3366 is the one called for on the original Clousers with the 3399 being nice for more traditional heavier wets. The reason you don’t find many shops carrying them is that they are not real revenue enhancers. They are great hooks.
Just enjoy the craft. Ray

As Ray says, there just isn’t much profit in a hook that sells for as little as $2.60 per hundred :shock: . If your favorite fly shop or online store doesn’t carry 3366s, keep asking for that model and get friends to ask. The 3366 is a very good hook particularly in larger sizes. Just my 2% of a dollar, I’m sure others will disagree. 8T :smiley:

panman, check out www.killroys.com , they have a good hook comparison chart some of the specs in the right columns.


I think that the two hooks will weigh the same, or so close it won’t matter. They are basically the same hook, they just bend down the eye on the '99.

The guys who came up with some of the early hook ‘style’ numbers for Mustad certainly had a sense of humor, if not downright ridiculousness.

3366 hooks are straight eyed sproat bend standard length hooks. 3399 are turned down eye hooks of the same design. Turn ‘down’ the ‘66’ and you get ‘99’. Very cute.

Both these styles are my ‘go to’ hooks for anything that will fit on them. They sharpen to a razor point, they are strong, have the proper flex, and aren’t too expensive.

3366 is ‘the’ bass bug hook for spining deer hair. The 3399 is great for all those pretty ‘traditional’ bass flies that have become popular in the last year or so.

Theseare also what I use to find out what a size another brand of hook ‘really’ is. These are the ‘standard’ for hook sizes, so if you buy some in ech size, you can make up a little comparison tool (I epoxied mine onto a paint stir stick and hang it above the bench). This will tell you what size that 2x wide 1x short hook actually IS.

Good Luck!


Shhhh… they’ll jack the prices up if we talk about these to much…I use them Where ever I can, And thankfully most of the shops around here carry them both in all sizes!

A belated thanks to all for your responses. I would have responded sooner but my mother was hospitalized and that took my attention. She is recovering OK.
