Gramma lives in Hood River, gonna be up there over long weekend. Gonna have 2 of our foster boys with us and wondering if any one has fishd for trout there? You can PM me if youd rather. These boys are green so its streams if there are any.
Here you are! In Hood River.
I checked a Hood (River) Report and it said the River is too Cold because of glacial runoff, which means not good steelhead fishing.
Good Luck!
Thanks Doug, were after trout, Ive got the fly shops number, was just kinda hopin for some “family” tips
If those guys don’t know about trout opportunities, then maybe would know something.
I have no experience trout fishing in the gorge. Another idea is the Dalles Fly Shop.
Clyde, if you can locate the Portland Warmwater Club, they know about small ponds along I-84 I think the boys wouldn’t mind catching warmwater species.
:shock: DUUUUH! Why didnt I think of that. I could go for some fresh bass. Dang, now ya got me droolin all over myself :lol: