Honest now.....how long......

Did you use an internet browser before you figured out you could pull up more than one instance of it?
I bet I went a year or more in the early going of internet use(~1995-96) before I figured out you could have more than one up at a time.

GASP!! Started in the mid 90’s … this is now 2008, almost 09 … didn’t realize that till you just posted it!!! Good grief! I’m fast!!:rolleyes:

More than one what open? :slight_smile:

But how many tabs do you have in each browser window?

Why, I remember crashing the 386 running windows 3.11 when I had too many open browsers running. (usually 3 would do the job.)

Talking about opening a new window. Go to ‘file’, then ‘new’, then ‘window’ and it will bring up another duplicate window that allows you to browse wherever you want to go without affecting the first window. Sad to say that I went for several years without knowing this was available. I lost several posts here on FAOL, trying to add things from photobucket or from the net, etc. without opening another window before copying and pasting from the second window, to that first window. Hope this makes sense.

Lew perfectly clear…and I’m with you on lossing the FAOL stuff… I might add that on the toolbar you can customize it and add an icon to “open a new tab”…a little easier …what I don’t understand is why sometimes a new tab will open but other times you have to tell it to…

I’m with JC …BBW, you talking browsers or tabs in a particular browser?

Tabs are a relatively new thing but basically the same. Just more than one window of a browser in use at a time.

Betty we wouldn’t figure anything else for you :slight_smile: