Does anyone know how to make a homemade floatant?I was just wondering because I don’t know anywhere that sells regular floatant.
Buy a jar of albolene at your local drug store (in the make-up section). Will give you a life-time supply for the cost of a single little squeeze bottle of the regular stuff. You can use it as-is.
- JR
Make sure to tell the check out girl it’s for your wife.
There are several sponors that you can get it from through the mail. Just check out the ones that sell fly fishing gear. :lol:
Actually, I use deer talo mixed with ivory soap!
Well I Gramps,I guess I could do that but I don’t think that she would believe me.
You could try to convince her it’s for your flies then.
Ya,i’d have better luck with that. :lol: It’s kinda funny with any of my hobbies Ill have to explain to the cashier what I’m doing.Like buying epoxy (which i did not know I needed an ID to buy,cause stupid kids like to sniff it) for gluing eyehole pins on wooden homade lures. :? I can’t stand it when I get that "what are you going to use that for"look.
Obviously they are just being carfull,and I’m sure they have heard their share of excuses.Stupid kids ruin it for the rest of us.
It’s not realy that bad though.But it’s fun to see their faces when I tell them. How many kids come into the store looking for spar urathane. :lol:
When you get to my age they don’t think you could be doing anything wrong.
They also don’t mind if I flirt with them.
A couple of the perks of being an old fart.
You 'throw knives' and 'play the piano' ?
Not at the same time, I assume! :roll:
No not at the same time.That would be funny though. :lol:
Back in my “homemade” gunpowder days we used to buy Saltpeter at the drugstore. Try explaining that one; especially when you’re about 13.
What was their reaction?
Back in my “homemade” gunpowder days we used to buy Saltpeter at the drugstore. Try explaining that one; especially when you’re about 13.[/quote]
Shouldn’t have too hard. Why would a 13 year old take that?
We used to tell them “that the veterinarian told us to get some for our dog”. We were clueless and usually the druggist would say, "so I guess you’re making gunpowder, right?.
If we could hide our astonishment at his insight into our surrepticious activities; we would continue with the vet spiel.
Ahhh, those were the days!
And of course y’all know the other use for Saltpeter?? It has been rumored that the US Military included slight doses of the stuff in rations issued to the troops in order to “realign” certain hormones. I’m told it worked like Viagras evil twin. Just the opposite effect. Kept ones mind on the task at hand ( NO pun intended)
That’s why I said why would a 13 yr old want it?
I forgot about the gun powder.
Sorry Gramps for denying you the credit due. T’went way over MY poiny head