Ron Eagle Elk’s birthday too!!! Happy, happy, birthday!!!
Hope it’s a good one!
I hope you are enjoying your day!
You ain’t gettin off that easy bud. Happy Birthday!
Hay Don’t know ya
But have a heck of a Happy B/Day
Happy Birthday REE!
- Jeff
Holy Cow again!
And Happy, Happy Birthday REE.
Here’s hoping your birthday has been as great as mine…thanks in large part to Betty and FAOL!
What a group!!
and many happy hallucinations of the day… 8)
Ron, Hope it’s been a GREAT birthday!
Happy birthday Ron, I hope it was a special day for you.
Hope it was a great day.
Happy Birthday REE
October 3rd must be a good day, my dad’s birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday to all!
A belated Happy Birthday to you REE. Hope there’s many more to come!
Happy belated B-Day Ron, Oct 3 must be a great day! It was my oldest 26th yesterday…
Hope it was a great day!
Thanks everyone. It was…well, a birthday. Unfortunately, VEE was to sick from her two dunkings in the river at the Idaho FI to celebrate her birthday on October 1st and is still coughing and sneezing like crazy as I type this. Today she goes to the doctor, like it or not! Did get a chance to get a free dinner with some friends from the drum group.
Thanks again for the good wishes.
Sorry to hear about VEE not being well. Happy Belated Birthday Wish to VEE.
Another belated Happy Birthday post for REE and VEE. VEE, I hope that you get feeling better ASAP.