Holding hackle While Tying It Off on Midge Patterns.

I am trying to tie a black midge pattern that uses hackle. I am using a TMC 100 in size 20. I have a Griffin Mongoose rotating vise which I use to wrap the hackle on. Everything goes well until I try to tie off the hackle. At that point I become all thumbs. I can’t hold the hackle clamp and the thread bobbin and tie off the hackle without letting go of something. I end up catching the flared hackle with my thread, loosing the hackle tip so that it comes unwrapped, break the thread off, or pull the wrapped hackle off as my thread wraps pop off.
I don’t have a whole lot of hair left on my head, and this is causing me to pull more out!!!
What do you folks do?


I tie a fair few small-small flies. I use Reverse Hackling, also on the wee stuff. Here is a url which explains the how to, as well as the why:


Hans W

Here’s a link to another method: http://www.flyrodreel.com/index.php/pag … s/id/19231
Hans’ reverse hackling method will certainly make the fly much more durable. That gives you two different ways to try by two of the very finest in the field - Hans Weilenmann and A.K. Best.

Quick question… when hackling this way, do you still wrap the hackle in the same direction you would in a standard palmer hackle, e.g. clockwise if you’re looking at the hook from the eye end? Since it’s “reverse” palmer, wasn’t sure if that factored in.

Same wrapping direction, over the shank and away from the tier.

I always go home with something new to try after I look around this forum :smiley:

Simply use a weighted hackle plier, and when finished wrapping hackle just let it hang while you tie off. Very easy.

Sounds like a plan! I’ll give it a try . now where did I leave the lead?


I can add that I use Hans’ hackling method almost exclusively for softhackles.