Hodgman Waders?????

Does anyone have an opinion on Hodgman Guidelite waders? Thanks - Rick

Yes I do Rich
How ya doing, I’ve had pricey waters before and they all leak after time so__________I bought some less expensive Hodgman Guidelite waders and they don’t leak and I thought they would’ve are about three years old and if I wouldn’t have hooker myself in the leg ,(Well that’s another story)

                       Have tight lines.


I fished my Hogman chest high waders for over 4 seasons, worked really well. I cut them down to use as hip waders when I recieved some new waders for Xmas. I’m still using them from time to time, almost 6 years old.

Over the years I have had to repair various pin hole leaks, most due to my hooking myself (and one unfortunate encounter with a cactus). After many years of good service the waterproofing arounf the knees is finally starting to give out. No real identifiable holes, just kind of sweats some moisture where the gortex has worn too thin.

Overall I would have to say I got more than my money’s worth out of them.