Hobbist pin vise for use as bodkin

A friend of mine who builds models for a hobby gave me a pin vise. I have read that these can be used as a bodkin by placing a needle in the jaws. I have only seen my fiend use very small drill bits in them. Do they make needles with shafts similar to those tiny drill bits? If so, where would I get them?

Should be able to use any standard sewing needle in one of those contraptions. I googled one up and they say “0-1/8” in terms of what they can hold in the collet.


Thanks for the specs. I have a Joanne (sp?) Fabric not far from my home. I’ll check them out and see if I can find a fit.

Not a problem. Don’t know if the one I saw was the same as yours, but I’m imagining it’s pretty close. Take it with you when you hit the fabric store and I’m sure you can find something.


Most pin vises I have used or own have two or more different size collet jaws to accommodate various sized bits down to size 100 or smaller.

Some of them you completely unscrew the collet and flip around the jaws; others have a completely separate set of collet jaws under the swivel head for a total of four different sizes.

I have had the best success for something as small as a needle using the jaws with a simple cross cut into them.


Thanks for the info. I’ll take a look at what I got and then take it with me as hazmat suggested to the fabric store.

A draftsmans mechanical pencil can also be used.

Just have to find the right needle to fit the tip if the pencil.

Check your wifes sewing box–they also work great holding a brass dubbing twister (spinner ) Easy to make with brass rod.

My primary bodkin is an Xacto handle with a sewing needle inserted in the collet. This allows me to use very fine needles normally used for stringing beads. The very thin needle gives me excellent control on both amount and location of head cement. If I need a larger needle for saltwater flies etc. it takes me about 15 seconds to make the switch.

Jim Smith

A pin vice is just the tool that you need to make a needle knot for your line/leader connection.
IMO the best line/leader knot