HEY!! Need some 'splainin ...

I need to know why it was I had to find out on the UK Flydressing site that today is bdesavages’ BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Bill!!!

Well Toto, I don’t think Betty’s in Kansas anymore!

Did you get caught in a tornado?

Happy Birthday Bill from somewhere south of OZ.

You are amazing Betty!!

Happy birthday Bill! Be seeing you at the Michigan Fish-In!!

Happy Birthday, You skinny little bugger!!

See you in a few weeks


happy birthday bill

Happy Birthday!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

Happy Birthday! Bill

Hsppy Birthday, Bill. Go ahead and celebrate for three whole days!

I hope your day was fantastic!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday you younger-than-me old coot - Say, is there a fish-in coming up? I hadn’t heard. Let’s do breakfast!

Hey Bill,
And may I also add MY best wishes that you have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Thanks to All for the GOOD Wishes. Had a Great 16th Birthday(remember I’m Dysletic always reversing numbers;)) Finally recovered from our trip to K.C. for the Niece’s wedding last weekend 12 hours to get there and 18 to get back, tied up in traffic coming back due to accidents. Guess I’m finally getting “Up There” used to be I could turn an 650 mile trip and not even blink an eye, Now it take’s me a week to recover from a 1400 mile Round Trip…Sheesh its a Good thing I got off the road and just drive local.The Other Half is still imatating a "Hibernating Bear!

happy B-Day Bill!!! :slight_smile:

Hey Bill…sorry pal, but the old 'tuber is late. Anyway youngster, hope you had a…

A very belated Happy Birthday !
