Hey, Hatch...

I just got my copy of Spring 2007 Fly Tyer last night. The article inside about making your own foam poppers just rings of you. Methinks ya been robbed…G

Seriously, a good article. Totally remniscent of your fine foam-turning article using a Dremel posted around these parts.


Yes, I quickly scanned it and immediately went back to see if Jim was the author.

Thanks Jeremy,

I missed the article, and missed your comment until
right now.G Been on too many drugs for too long.
Thanks for the heads up.G Warm regards, Jim

I also read the article and immediately thought of Jim’s Dremel Bugs. While the article does mention using a needle and a high speed drill to shape the body, the large majority of the materail focuses on painting the poppers and the various paints and method he uses. As it turns out I know the author of this article and he is really a terrific guy; always willing to share his ideas and techniques. His poppers are beautiful, in fact, I’m not sure I’d want some mean old bass chewing on my poppers if they looked like the ones Max makes. Bottom line, Max is a great guy and kudos to him for taking the time to write his article and submit to Fly Tyer and especially for being published. One of the best things about fly tying is the willingness to share of techniques and experience with friends from all over the world that you will very probably never get a chance to meet in person. Thank you Jim Hatch for sharing how to make Dremel Bugs and thank you Max for sharing how you do such a beautiful job painting your popper bodies.

Jim Smith