Hey from PA (dry as a bone)

Just wanted to drop in and say hey to all those that I know and those that I dont. Things in PA are very dry though I havent had much chance to fish anyhow. For those I know I am still on the face of the earth just working nights and lots of them so havent been on line for a bit. Hope to see some of you on the water but it would have to be somewhere other than here because there is no water.


Hey Harvey;
Good to here from you but not your weather report. It’s much the same here, some 15" of rain behind and we are in the dry months.

Glad to see you back. You are right on about it being dry, too dry, here. That is why I am sitting at my keyboard and not on the stream while I have a holiday. Well it’s also a good time to head to Cabela’s to get those new snake boots for the hunting season. :smiley:

Hi Harvey!
Nice to see you’re still alive and kicking. We have to get together again soon and do some fishing. I at least owe you and Didi lunch for all the great work you did back in August. My only regret about that event was not being able to spend more time with you guys.
Sure hope you can make the PA Fish-In this year. (I should start dieting for it A.S.A.P.) We are going to have a blast - it’d be hard NOT to with that crew…Ed 8)

Hey, glad to see that you are back. Kettle Creek is dry as ever! It was supposto get a fall stocking this week but I can’t imagine where they would put the fish! Looking forward to the Pa. fish-in next year. However, many flies to tie till then! Ron G. :slight_smile:

My oldest stepdaughter is getting married in two weeks, outdoors. I think we’re pretty certain to get rain here in northeast PA on that day. … 8)