HERRING DRAKE - Fly of the week - December 20, 2010


Recently, while doing some research for an article I was writing I stumbled across nifty little pattern I wanted to share with your readers.*The pattern is called the Herring Drake.*It was designed for lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), which Michigan sportsmen erroneously call ?herring? (hence the name, Herring Drake).

Another great “Fly Of The Week” article by Tom Deschaine! I use the inverted hook for many of my streamer fly patterns, using a “Weighted Keel” on the top of the hook shank so the hook travels through the water with the hooks spear in the up position. I find that this is very effective for fish that have soft upper mouth. You can use a light enough weight to rotate the hook on its axis, with enough flotation material on the hook shank to still keep the hook on/in the water surface.

I wrote a Tying Tip article “Laying a Weighted Keel” on the method. Michael Alwin, owner of Bob Mitchell’s Fly Shop, in Lake Elmo MN; taught me this method. By adjusting the diameter of the wire weight attached to the hook shanks top you can control the depth of the fly pattern if you want. More weight and the fly pattern will submerge, less weight and flotation material the fly pattern will float. Either way it is always a hook up presentation. ~Parnelli



Thanks for sharing! That would probably work for the Hex hatch!!

Best regards, Dave S.