All those warmwater posts on Pigboats are just too much to pass over especially for such a deadly fly, so folks, here we go. We have seven on the list, each of us tying two. Deadline for mailing November 22.
JGW - a yellow Bassy one (TIED)
Bassman (RECEIVED)
Featherfastener (RECEIVED)
Same ol, same ol! Crush proof box, postage to and from in self-addressed package. Mail to John G. White, Box 672, Clara City, MN 56222.
Thanks for signing me up JGW. I think this one is going to be a lot of fun. John
Crawdad Pig Boat My Version
Hook: - Mustad 3366 #6
Thread: - UTC 140 Black
Tail: - Sparkle Chartreuse Rubber Legs (4 Pair)
Body: - Orange Punch Yarn
Hackle: - Yellow Barred
Collar: - Sili Legs Barred Yellow/Gold-Blk (6 Pair)
Eyes: - White Paint
Cover Head with Sally Hansens
Hard as Nails
I would like to jump in and give it a shot. My wife gave me Mr. Nixon’s book Fly Tying and Fly Fishing for Bass and Panfish. I love the book what an innovator in bass flies.
Welcome to the swap, pheasanttail65. Tom Nixon certainly created some interesting flies. A couple of years ago we did a Tom Nixon swap which was just a blast. His Pigboats really work, too. JGW
I’ll close this off at 6 p.m. CDT on Sunday. Otherwise we have our list of swappers. Thanks everyone. A half dozen of us will have some dang good bass flies before Christmas! JGW