
My daughter has decided that this year rather than buying gifts for Christmas we will make them. I have purchased gold Salmon Fly Brooch Pins, however I am lost as to what patterns and materials would work best for something pretty. If anyone has info or tying ideas please let me know. I’m still fairly new to tying but it seems like a good gift.

I’ve seen a number of different salmon fly patterns tied on brooch pins. My favourites were the Ross Special, the Silver Doctor, and the Green Higlander. Maybe that’s because I like salmon flies though lol. You could always try something with marabou. I’m guessing the Pink Cardinelle would look nice.


Can’t go wrong with a Royal Wulff. Colors are right for the season, aestheticaly pleasing and the fly is reasonably easy to tie.


Hello Grants Pass ! Here’s a few pics of Christmas flies…hope they help.







I once made the wings out of very fine wire and dipped them in modge-poge which formed a plastic film in them, cute. The rest of the fly was a mayfly thingy.

if youre going to try to do classic salmon flies and youve never done it before, surrender now. ive been trying to learn for almost a year now and im just starting to get anything passable in the eyes of the experts… go for something easy to tie

featherwing streamers, platte river special, spruce, any rangeley style.

wet flies are killer as well

Ahhhh…the fun of tying jewelry. I like mouse patterns or frog pattern on the big pins…people can’t believe what they are made of, how realistic they look, or that people actually use them for fishing…

Now, as far as making Christmas presents…I am working on about 20 Duck (Duct) tape wallets right now.

Loads of options !!! Classic Scottish Dee Flies. Beautiful Atlantic Salmon Flies.
Classic Wet Flies of Ray Bergman or Preston Jennings. The beautiful classic streamers of Carey Stevens or Mary Orvis Maurberry (sp) !!!
I have in my side business of tying been contracted to make delicate repairs (not an easy thing to do) on Brooch pins and Ear Rings !!!

Colorful Christmas tree decorations of these fly patterns (just hang them high so the dang cat don’t get to them); or decorative Christmas candles using clear decorative candle holders, your colorful or realistic fly pattern in a clear gel wax and choice of aromatic (aroma therapy; I love the forest pine or spruce) scented oil !!! Get these materials at Michaels Craft Store !!!